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Does anyone have problems with sending PM's,when i want to send it to somebody with links they are not included.Not the whole message is send.
Also editing the comment doesn't solve it.
We already have a conversation on going but i can't add any comment on it though the conversation is not closed or deleted.
very frustrating
when this site has changed i didn't have any problems with that,now i'm having issues.
i usually don't have much critics on changes but imo the old susie site was more userfriendly.
i'm aware of the fact you want to solve those probs & it's not easy but i don't like it here anymore like i did in the past.
don't take it as an attack,i like the idea of the new site but saddly it's not working properly.
in PM mode:
when i click on submit,my post will vanish so i don't know if the person i want to PM receives it.Not added on the comment list.
also it seems that if i succeed in the PM not the whole PM is send.
It would be really useful if you could give me an example post that is failing or the name of the person that you are trying to PM.
this is a incomplete message towards him,i've added 2 or 3 more links just like that but they're not showing up,i've tried recently again but still failing.
hope that's there a way to solve this.
Could it be that you just typed it wrong and left of the formatting on that second link?
got this:
- What browser version are you using? (looks like IE9 in compatibility mode)
- Are you using your operating system with a language other than English?
one of the links,i'm trying to send
found the cause,i'll try to PM you without the link & thanks for the feedback & the cooperation on this.