13 years ago
2 years ago
I'm looking for someone who has a copy of FM12 and FM12RTE on PC. I have both of these on my Mac but there is a problem with one of my save files. Basically the add/remove league bug caused my save file to explode to over 250k players, which is a stupid amount and slows my save down enormously. It is my favourite save and it was never 'completed', and it prevents me from enjoying FM13. I am asking if anyone has both of the FM12 and FMRTE for 12 to edit my save so that all players, under a certain limit of CA/PA will retire and lighten my save file. I cannot do this because the Mac version of FMRTE does not have a 'Mass edit' option so it wouldn't be practical to do this for individual players up to 200k times!
I know it is unlikely that anyone would volunteer to do this, but hey, you can't win the lottery if you don't buy a ticket!
12 years ago
11 years ago
I dont think that can solve the problem. You should sent your savegame to SI, they could maybe do something different to help you.
13 years ago
2 years ago
I read on the SI forum that some people have had success with that method. Are you sure it won't work?

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