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People will say we bottled it because we were once 10 points clear, but City were always going to have a stronger second half of the season than Liverpool just due to their squad depth alone, the rotational side they could play outstrengthed our second 11 all day long.
Number 1
Hell, when Newcastle beat City in January, I thought they would drop points at least one more time. 18 wins from 19, with that game in January as the only blot, is a fantastic run. They're just phenomenal at what they do and its something Liverpool would have needed to go near-unbeaten to top it. Though I bet some will still wonder "what if John Stones had been a few millimetres more behind the line".
Meanwhile, its something that Brighton have acted quickly. I like Hughton and I do agree its a bit mean that dismissal is the effective thanks for hauling them from a Championship relegation battle to back-to-back seasons in the Prem with a third in the diary and the FA Cup semis. But given there was 3 wins in 23, evidence none of the new signings were really working and signs the fans had turned, especially after the home surrenders to Bournemouth and Cardiff, I don't think a sacking was unexpected.
Eric Portapotty
He's just in that tier of manager that's all good with promoting teams, but lacks that bit of extra to keep them up - shame, because he's a sound bloke otherwise.
Number 1
Mbappe is already packing his bags in anticipation of a move to the Toon.
Number 1
Assuming we're still owned by MA, maybe when he's 35, available on a free and wants a final payday.