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Yesterday I started a role project in Google Sheets.
What does the sheet do?
If you plug in all your player's attributes, you will get a value for how adapt he is in any specific role.
How to use it?
The easiest way is just to plug in all attributes of your player and check which position you are interested in using him (all done in the Worksheet-tab). (The loading time can be up to half a minute)
The Important and KEY Attributes are the ones FM highlights. IF you want to add an attribute to the Important/KEY-list go to the Backoffice 1-tab and add the background color to the cell.
Backoffice 2 and 3 are only there to filter and sort the roles.
I would love some feedback on this project
With love
Matt Mindham
I open the link and can;t edit it.
I download it as an Excel and formulas are removed.
Would be very interested in running with it for a while, as it looks like something I did for a while, but much better!
Do you find it disagrees with the assistant/game indicators (Green Discs)?
Raja Gupta
Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me, Tried downloading it as well as copying over to my drive but neither worked for me.