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babak g
Is there a fix for Ios cause its not listed?
babak g
Doesnt seem to be though
I searched through that whole thread… 😢
Bielsa is a legend
It’s not possible
babak g
Ouch that's sad then having just forked out 22 Euros to get the game and spending hours trying to move graphics. Names are psychologically essential. Not sure why I read somewhere it would be possible if the ipad was jail broke.
Bielsa is a legend
I have exactly the same, graphics, skin etc, can’t do name fix
my PC version with Flut skin is much better
babak g
Ya but playing on PC and Ipad are two different matters. I've read from a few people that it's possible to get the license fix to work but I can't for the life of me find any tutorial.
Bielsa is a legend
I know that, I was saying I have both, PC fully loaded, IPad has no real names
it can’t be done