Jamie McGovern
10 years ago
5 days ago
I have started a blog and currently have uploaded through the first league campaign. Any feedback or tips would be greatly appreciated.

The Sampdoria Story starts here...
9 years ago
8 minutes ago
I have started a blog and currently have uploaded through the first league campaign. Any feedback or tips would be greatly appreciated.

The Sampdoria Story starts here...

Just a couple of ideas: maybe summarise your campaign and chuck in a few screenshots. Much better reading than a link to a blog in my eyes.

Have a read of some of the Hall of Fame stories too, they're a perfect reference.
11 years ago
1 day ago
Have a read of some of the Hall of Fame stories too, they're a perfect reference.

This. Whilst having Youtube videos is a good outlet, a lot of people on the forums (me included) like having something to read. Plus if you're using the seasons bit on here it's a good idea having screenshots to reference.

That being said good going so far

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