12 years ago
1 hour ago
Hello guys,

I'm not a massive editor guy but I have a vision for my FM21 save. There are many question marks along the way though so I came here for help 🙂 I basically want to do Andorra challenge, but I want to sign only Andorran players. I want to start by dismantling the squad, keeping Andorran players only (there are like 5 or 6 of them in the entire organization) and bringing new Andorrans in to form a new squad. I doubt this new squad would be able to play in Segunda Divison B (given the fact that players from the best Andorran teams won't most likely be willing to sign with me) so where do you think I should start? A division below? Two divisions below? I'm definitely not a newbie but also not a hardcore player so I'd like to start in a competition where we wouldn't be outcasts but also not favourites to promote. Also is there any way in editor to set a higher transfer budget for the first season only (since I'll need to put almost an entire squad together) and then after the first season I'd have an adequate transfer budget for the competition I'd be in? Is there also a way to set the board expectations? For example if I start a save in FC Andorra (default DB), the board wants me to fight for promotion. What if I do all the database changes I want to do, drop a division below but I want them to expect I'll be fighting against relegation? How does the game generate expectations? Can I intervene somehow? Is it based on reputation?

Thanks for your suggestions 🙂

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