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Namely in FM 2020 even as you added 60-70 countries with leagues.
The loading time of the game did not change when you started the game
also in the career setup, loading was faster.
OF course it took a long time to load these leagues but this is normal.
Unfortunately, in FM 2021, loading the game after its launch and loading the career configuration takes a good dozen, if not several dozen minutes.
I have always loved that in FM I could add many leagues from countries that are not included in the game or lower leagues from countries that are in the game.
But now it causes frustration, because for the first time in many Football Manager games, the usual loading time of the game after switching it on and loading the career configuration panel takes a very long time, which kills the pleasure of adding leagues from the editor.
It never lasted as long as it is now
The editor is the same in fact painfully slow I have a high end system and in FM20 I could mass edit 5000++ entries in seconds now it takes 45 minutes to mass edit 50, the problem is with their product so report there mate
only they can resolve it, Ive reported a few bugs and there hasnt been a reply on 2 for over a month, keep complaining there find the SI staff member who deals with that forum and tag him into your post