10 years ago
2 days ago

I've made the obeservation that A.I.'s  wage expenditure suddenly falls apart on July 2022, even though the financial situation of the club seems to be fine. In the below examples of clubs controlled by A.I.:

-from 36K/month (June 2022) to 24K/month (July 2022) 

-from 14K/month to 5K/month

-from 23K/month to 7K/month


As you can see, a good part of the available wage budget is saved up by IA. The issue is about players contracts. All the staff contracts seem to be maintained with the right balance (less expensive salaries than players'?). I'm playing with custom playable Andorra league DB. Does anyone have any clue about finances in FM ? Any tip about how I could improve this through the data editor ? Should I set all the initial wage budgets for all the clubs before starting the game? 

15 years ago
16 minutes ago

will move to the general forum, as this forum is for issues with the site and support with membership etc

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