3D Kits

3D Kits are special kits designed to make the match engine look even better, with the players wearing customised and improved kits on the pitch.
  • 804 Downloadable Packs
3D Kits

10 years ago
2 hours ago

is in progress ..

9 years ago
1 week ago
By Humberto21 06 February 2022 - 11:55 AM UTC 

is in progress ..


do you have a forecast for the release, thanks for your amazing work

10 years ago
2 hours ago
By cmab 22 February 2022 - 17:53 PM UTC 

do you have a forecast for the release, thanks for your amazing work


I started making liga2 kits, then another kitmaker told me he was working on them (level 2/3). I can't tell you for sure, but I think it will be ready in a few weeks.

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