2 years ago
3 weeks ago

Hi there,


Really small thing here but would really appreciate the help.


I have created a Scottish Pyramid similar to the English league setup. 20 teams, with promotion playoffs. 


In the history, it only shows Winner / Runner Up / Third Placed. 


Does anyone know how to add Playoff winner tab through advanced editor?


Big thanks in advance


18 years ago
3 hours ago
By tollan31 09 February 2022 - 12:11 PM UTC 

Hi there,


Really small thing here but would really appreciate the help.


I have created a Scottish Pyramid similar to the English league setup. 20 teams, with promotion playoffs. 


In the history, it only shows Winner / Runner Up / Third Placed. 


Does anyone know how to add Playoff winner tab through advanced editor?


Big thanks in advance 


I have no idea, but can you not see how it's implemented in other leagues in which it is displayed and copy it accordingly?

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