Bielsa is a legend
11 years ago
26 minutes ago

Wonder if SI do same in 22.4 givrn the WAR CHILD links

9 years ago
3 days ago
By R Charlston 02 March 2022 - 17:36 PM UTC 

Wonder if SI do same in 22.4 givrn the WAR CHILD links


I suspect they will and ban Russian teams from Europe for the 21-22 season, will they do it for future season who knows I guess. They will defo ban the Russian team from entering the World Cup 2022. I think the next update will be delayed due to this. I think it's due out middle of this month but I reckon could be end of the month or next month before it's out. 


In terms of the Russian league no idea what they will do with that, but pointless playing it if you can't get into Europe. 

Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
13 hours ago

I'm actually not sure whether I agree with possibly completely banning/removing Russian teams/leagues  (apart from Rus national team in WC 22) in this virtual setting. On one hand I understand it (as I do get its necessity in the real world), but then again there had to be a line drawn somewhere between realism and playability concerning Covid as well, and I think they made the right call not to implement corona in FM.


I'm not sure disabling Russian leagues or national team would be the fairest option to ordinary Russian people, and anyone else on this planet, who wish to manage those teams and include them into their FM save's football world. It might actually further demonize all Russian people as a grouped nationality. We need to remember who the actual culprit and EVIL in this situation is: their highest echelon of "leadership" if you can even call it that, as it doesn't lead but rather forces, threathens, assassinates and lies its way into riches as their own people, not to mention their neighbours, helplessly suffer.


Basically:  F Covid ---→ do not alter FM to fully reflect Covid reality.  F Putin to deepest hell --→ alter WC 22 for reality but let the rest of the FM universe play out as if the world was a better place and the sick, narcissistic DICK-tator didn't exist.


As a comparison, should the existence and terror regime of Saddam Hussein have been penalized by removing Iraq off the footballing map? I feel that would only be a sanction towards the nation and its people, not the sick leader. It doesn't make much sense in the virtual wolrd of football. Otherwise FM should have, since ages ago, simulated Blatter & FIFA's corruption as well, if the game was to be the exact realistic representation of the game of football with all its beauty - AND ugliness.


Also, I'm sure most would agree that FM 22 should not be altered to reflect the current status of football in Ukraine, but instead the situation before these latest horrific assaults should remain the applied “realistic fantasy setting" of Ukrainian football at the early parts of the current season. To deprive anyone of the possibilty to include Ukrainian clubs, their cancelled leagues, their (now possibly bombed-to-ground) stadiums and active players in their save, as it was until a while ago, would be an undeserved blow without any positives to achieve. I don't feel it's the added pinch of realism I myself crave for. I just wish people and things were as they were - free, unassaulted and alive. 😢 At least in video games we can still have that alternate reality within our grasp. How things should be instead of the hellish era a single lunatic has kicked off.


That is why I feel like, what it comes to the "bubble" of FM, a mad ruler's actions have needlessly devastated the state of both Ukranian and Russian football alike. (Not that it's a matter of much gravity amid all this actual horror going on this very moment, but in the context of Football Manager and what real-word events it should or should not reflect.) Why should one nation be punished and wiped off the (simulation of) earth, when the other, at least, absolutely should not?


P.S. My intention is not to make this a political discussion, but rather an examination of humanity, and the questioning behind the looming decision to shame and blame and erase a whole nation off a video game (the last safe haven in this ugly world where things can be good instead of evil and where you can always load a previous save if things go tits up). Is this really the best course of action to help bring down a modern day Napoleon who's probably never even seen a video game?

16 years ago
1 day ago

I agree, this is not a platform for political discussion but I don't have an issue with removing Russian teams from FM. Sadly, it's the their citizens generally and FM players in Russia who will be particularly effected. As regards the fact that Putin would be unaware of video games is probably untrue. What is fact, is that most Russians are brainwashed by a state controlled media that constantly puts out untruths and threats of imprisonment for those that speak out against it, while citizens in Ukraine are innocently slaughtered and that's the true injustice.

Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
13 hours ago
By bartdude 04 March 2022 - 17:00 PM UTC 

I agree, this is not a platform for political discussion but I don't have an issue with removing Russian teams from FM. Sadly, it's the their citizens generally and FM players in Russia who will be particularly effected. As regards the fact that Putin would be unaware of video games is probably untrue. What is fact, is that most Russians are brainwashed by a state controlled media that constantly puts out untruths and threats of imprisonment for those that speak out against it, while citizens in Ukraine are innocently slaughtered and that's the true injustice.

I meant in no way to belittle the actual injustices, crimes against humanity and other atrocities going on (and having been going on for a long time) by the corrupted regime that hardly consider the good of the very people it's supposed to represent, but rather pondered the situation in terms of the "FM universe", if you will.

Many of us want to escape the rotten reality around us by immersing oneselves with the alternative worlds inside video games , but of course some of us don't even have that possibility.

While we may disagree on the complete removal of Russian teams  of FM database, I respect your opinion and in no way consider my own suggestion a 100% infallable and absolutely only solid and correct way to proceed.

That's what this world needs most anyway, and always has needed: respect, understanding of different subjective points of view and non-confrontational discussion and acceptance of them. Aggression, escalation, bullying, hatemongering and fighting belongs to the few big strong leaders (who would seem to either want the world all to themselves or alternatively to watch it all burn so they don't have to die alone). I think most of us regular people just want to be safe and live our lives free.

16 years ago
1 day ago

I understand your view Tommy and I appreciate your opinions and observations. Let's hope a solution is possible.

11 years ago
7 hours ago

Russia and the Russian leagues have been nerfed in the newest update

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