18 years ago
2 weeks ago

Afternoon All,


Version Details: FM22 - version: 22.4.1+1662587


So, I spend my life updating the very vanilla training that my staff put on for my squad and I was wondering if anyone knows of a way that you can save these weekly training routines so that i don't have to keep on going in and changing it.


I appreciate there is the ol' Copy and Paste facility but that can be a bit of a pain in the backside.


Alternatively, how on earth do you get your staff to put on training that isn't just the generic Attack and Defend stuff? If it weren't for me they would never do 90% of the options available.



5 years ago
2 years ago
By MKDons666 25 June 2022 - 11:23 AM UTC 

Afternoon All,


Version Details: FM22 - version: 22.4.1+1662587


So, I spend my life updating the very vanilla training that my staff put on for my squad and I was wondering if anyone knows of a way that you can save these weekly training routines so that i don't have to keep on going in and changing it.


I appreciate there is the ol' Copy and Paste facility but that can be a bit of a pain in the backside.


Alternatively, how on earth do you get your staff to put on training that isn't just the generic Attack and Defend stuff? If it weren't for me they would never do 90% of the options available.



Edit: Sorry for bumping this, but no one responded.


As far as I know there isn't a way to get your staff to setup anything other than very basic training.


You, however, can create training schedules and then go to your training calendar and apply the schedules to all weeks however you'd like.


Just go to Training → Schedules → Select Schedule… → + Create New Schedule. Once you click on Create New Schedule, select whatever you want to train on each day, then Save the schedule with whatever name you want to give it. After this, go over into: Training → Calendar and on the week you want to apply the new schedule, click on the training name droplist above that week → Custom Schedules → Select your newly created schedule.


Just repeat this for however many different types of training weeks you want. Also, when you're setting this up, you can set specific week days in your custom training schedule to be set as a match day. Doing this allows you to select the trainings like “Match Preview” the day before the match and “Match Review” the day after the match.


Hope this helps. Screenshot steps below.

18 years ago
2 weeks ago

@that1guytim Legend thanks very much for the comprehensive reply. I'll get on it now!

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