3 years ago
2 years ago

Ok i downloaded a database graphics … right but then there was some outfit for fm22 wich i imported on my manager and my game crashed, ok cant create new manager but thats not the problem. i also downloaded a file called like simmatchviewer and i couldnt see my dressing room etc press conference room then i try to submit my tacticd for a match adn my game crashes then i start game again and then when i try to create tactic my game crash(i deleted the simmatchviewer file and the clothing item)

what to do? games unplayable now

18 years ago
19 hours ago

It's hard to tell exactly what you're talking about without links to the files or screenshots or something.


But your best bet is to verify the integrity of the game files


Otherwise uninstall and reinstall, it shouldn't delete save games.

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