1 year ago
1 month ago

I couldnt download facepack and logo pack, evou thogh i paid membership. In the end the downloading screen just showed message "Forbidden" or "Failed - Forbidden". Please help

18 years ago
1 day ago

Try and give as much information as possible, this helps us help you.


Are you saying that the download starts and then fails after a period of time? If so how long?


Are you using a vpn or a download manager or anything like that or just your web browser, which browse?

1 year ago
1 month ago
By Footygamer 22 October 2022 - 13:53 PM UTC 

Try and give as much information as possible, this helps us help you.


Are you saying that the download starts and then fails after a period of time? If so how long?


Are you using a vpn or a download manager or anything like that or just your web browser, which browse?


Well it stops half way through. I'm not using any vpn nor download manager just my google browser. 

18 years ago
1 day ago

I asked how long before it fails but you just said half way through, was it more than 1 hour?

1 year ago
1 month ago
By Footygamer 22 October 2022 - 14:20 PM UTC 

I asked how long before it fails but you just said half way through, was it more than 1 hour?

Yes it was more than hour


18 years ago
1 day ago

I've made a change which should avoid the issue for you

1 year ago
1 month ago
1 year ago
1 month ago
By Footygamer 22 October 2022 - 14:32 PM UTC 

I've made a change which should avoid the issue for you


Well one file failed again, but the installation begun before you made the change so I will try again


1 year ago
17 hours ago

I've downloaded logos but when I try to download mega facepack on my Internet browser like I dud logos it downloads for over an hour then says couldn't download- no permissions

 Why is that? Many thanka

16 years ago
2 minutes ago
By p_baines1 18 October 2023 - 09:47 AM UTC 

I've downloaded logos but when I try to download mega facepack on my Internet browser like I dud logos it downloads for over an hour then says couldn't download- no permissions

 Why is that? Many thanka

Use chrome to download bigger files (packs). Chrome allows you to resume any interruptions in your download. Or you can use a download manager that have the same feature, if you search online there are multiple to choose from 👍🙂 


18 years ago
1 day ago

@p_baines1 “no permissions” sometimes means you don't have enough space on your computer. So please check that as well.

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