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bought premium today, spent hours downloaded a logos pack and a faces pack, one finished before the other and once it completed it said cancelled on my downloads page and in my downloaded folder is an 8 GB web file that when I click on it downloads another massive web file but much quicker. I assumed that was a glitch then the second pack did the same thing now I'm just confused.
You usually need a file like WinRar to extract the downloaded files.
If you could try and give as much information as possible it will be much easier for us to help you. Since you're the only person experiencing this problem out of 100s of thousands I would guess it's some sort of user error if you could walk us through exactly what you're doing and the names and locations of the files you say are being downloaded that will help alot.
For example including screenshots of what is being downloaded rather than just saying “it downloads another massive file” would be really helpful.
Mons post above is randomly guessing that you might not have a program like WinRar or 7zip necessary to open a rar, but really it's a stab in the dark based on so little information.