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Keith Batcheltor
As we can get the last promotions and relegations by downloading the latest update, would it be possible to get a custom start date included, so we can start a new season, with the new player/promotion/relegation updates and start the season from August 2023? I have seen this discussed from about 5 years ago and previous answers were to get the game editor (which I have no clues how to use by the way), but I seem to remember that FM 2018 had a custom start date download from this site.So can we have a download please?
Combining promotions and relegations with a custom start date file doesn't make sense. You'd start at the end of a season that included Luton in the PL and then Luton would be relegated.
You need either a custom start date file OR a promotions/relegations file, not both at the same.
There is a custom start date file here, you can combine these with real fixtures and then “changes” file from our update which only includes the transfers. But the expiry dates in the transfers will still be wrong unfortunately as well as cup competition winners and continental participants.
We've tried managing two separate updates one starting July 2022 and one May 2023 but it's honestly just too much work.