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King Luis
Personally i think its a load of bollocks, he's got nothing but praise this season. Bit of an odd thing to say imo.
That's overstating it but I don't blame you for not wanting him.
It's not an odd thing to say. You think players from Africa are given the same amount of coverage and acclaim as their South American/European counterparts? Given the massive problems that many European countries have with racism against black players, and the fact that the only other African player deemed worthy of world-class status had to be appropriated by a colonising country (Eusebio), says something for the wider point he's trying to make.
I don't think Yaya Toure is underrated, at least not in the UK, but he wasn't just talking about himself, he was talking about African players in general. He named Samuel Eto'o and Didier Drogba as players who he claims have gone underrated because they are African, and he's making a larger point about underrating players from the continent, which I think is fair. I don't know about the current state of football in Africa, so I wouldn't be qualified to argue that there are young players currently being ignored by European clubs because they play in African leagues. But there must have been players that have gone criminally underrated for decades. Given the history books of the sport, you'd think African players didn't exist until Roger Milla scored at the World Cup.
Toure has had tonnes of acclaim. He was purchased for 24 million pounds, is one of the best paid footballers in the world, is up for EPL Player of the year and is constantly talked about as one of the best midfielders in the world.
Drogba, Essien, Wanyama, Bony, Salah, Mikel, Eto'o and tonnes more have won lots of individual and team awards and been recognised. For every African player who is underrated you could name countless non-africans who are also underrated
How the fuck can you say Eto'o and Drogba haven't had acclaim? Both have been transferred for tens of millions of pounds, been some of the best paid footballers ever and have won countless awards.
African players generally don't get as much recognition as most of them aren't that good, which is what you would expect from any third world country with very limited training and coaching facilities.
Slashman X
Slashman X
King Luis
Slashman X
Slashman X
Slashman X
And he got it wrong \o/
Slashman X
King Luis
Would be too much to ask for I think (from a Liverpool perspective), I think Mourinho will ensure the job gets done.
King Luis
I hate when people say stuff like that
Slashman X
King Luis
Slashman X
Slashman X
True, never know I guess!
Swansea turned it round at Newcastle, 2-1 up. Villa are dire.
Number 1
Wake me up when Pardew's fired.
King Luis
Number 1
That doesn't surprise me. In fact I think Sturridge has scored more on his own than Newcastle have. We have scored fewer goals than everyone else in the top 4 divisions in 2014, and with 13 defeats in 18, we're also in what must be the worst form of our entire history, or at least one of the worst. In fact, Hyde are in better form than us and they didn't win a game until January.
Pardew is absolutely fucking this up big time, and yet morons like Jamie Carragher still say he's doing a good job. What the fuck did we do to deserve this?
King Luis
Slashman X
I just hope that in a couple of years time when he's stabilised them as a mid-table club that there aren't any know-nowts calling for his head due to his style of play.