Vince Skin is back! I would like to thank you for the messages of support and affection towards my skin that I have received over the years, which is worth more than anything to me and which pushes me to always do better.


Vince Skin Biggest Features:

  • Instant result button before and in game!
  • New Scout overview panel
  • New Player overview panel
  • New match scoreboard and players faces into the bench
  • Match condition and sharpness Icon in Percentage (a rare feature)
  • Different backgrounds and opacity
  • City and stadium into the club overview
  • New ID panel
  • New bookmarks panel
  • Club crest into the left corner
  • New match panels and widgets
  • Stadium into fixtures panel and on club overview panel
  • Fixtures while you advance into the game
  • New mentoring team panel
  • Continue button with the club colours
  • Player role/duty icon
  • Player foot ability icons
  • New stadium overview panel
  • New fixtures details panel
  • New non player panel
  • New Club overview panel
  • New home panel with lots of widgets
  • Match tablet revamp



v. 1.1

  • Fixed transfer panel not showing offers
  • Fixed Scouting recommendation
  • Player faces are now also in squad tactics panel
  • Player form panel fixed
  • Minor fixes



v. 1.2

  • New stadium overview panel
  • Fixed Scouting report
  • Club overview panel affiliate revamped
  • Match tablet revamped
  • Bookmarks panel fixed
  • New Background support
  • Minor fixes




It's recommended to maintain the zoom of text at 85% to see all theses things correctly, but also at 95% or 100& can work. If you have a monitor of low res. (1366x768) you can use the Vince Skin 900p with any kind of zoom.


Vince Skin
1920*1080 or more : 85-95-100% zoom
1600*900 : 85% zoom


Vince Skin 900p
1366*768 : 100% zoom


I'll attach a video with features and instructions of how to download it (the streamer isn't the creator of the skin but just a friend).


There are 3 different options:
Vince Skin FM 24 v.1.2 - the main skin
Vince Skin 900p Low Res. v.1.2 - version optimized for laptops
Vince Skin Stars attributes - version with stars attributes (non numerical)

How to use the Vince skin on FM24
Download the skin, then extract with WinRar or 7Zip (Unarchiver for Mac), and put it into Documents/ Sports Interactive/ Football Manager 2024/ Skins
Run the game and go to preferences/ clear cache and reload the skin.





BUG REPORT : If you see any bugs, report in comments, in PM or on Discord WITH SCREENS.



- PayPal Donation :
- Contact on Discord : vince_957#6916



Please note this skin is provided as is. It has nothing to do with Sports Interactive or SEGA and won't be supported by them.


- TCS by bluestillidie00
- Tato
- FME skin
- Wannachup skin
- Flut skin
- YACS skin
- Heffem Skin
- Mustermann Skin


I remind that for those who want, the Vincechup Instant result skin is always available here:
Vincechup Instant Result

10 years ago
1 month ago

Buonasera, bellissima Skin ma volevo segnalare che nella sezione trasferimenti i giocatori non sono visualizzabili.

5 years ago
1 month ago
By Vincenzo Marino 12 November 2023 - 20:32 PM UTC 

Buonasera, bellissima Skin ma volevo segnalare che nella sezione trasferimenti i giocatori non sono visualizzabili.

Si, ho risolto adesso, cancella la vecchia versione ed inserisci quella nuova, stesso link.


10 years ago
1 month ago

Vince ti ringrazio per la tempestività per avermi risolto il problema, ti volevo chiedere un'altra cosa. Ogni volta che avvio FM24 il mio sfondo parte con il background della mia città. C'e' un modo per risolvere questo problema? altrimenti mi tocca sempre modificare lo sfondo. Togliendo la cartella background con le Pic City risolvo questo problema, ma odio vedere quel riquadro nero sulla sezione Info societarie.

4 years ago
2 months ago

The legend is back for another FM! 

5 years ago
1 month ago
By Vincenzo Marino 12 November 2023 - 21:13 PM UTC 

Vince ti ringrazio per la tempestività per avermi risolto il problema, ti volevo chiedere un'altra cosa. Ogni volta che avvio FM24 il mio sfondo parte con il background della mia città. C'e' un modo per risolvere questo problema? altrimenti mi tocca sempre modificare lo sfondo. Togliendo la cartella background con le Pic City risolvo questo problema, ma odio vedere quel riquadro nero sulla sezione Info societarie.

Va cambiato lo sfondo, puoi farlo cliccando sul monitor. Purtroppo non c'è modo per renderlo fisso ogni volta


13 years ago
1 week ago

Hi Vince957, your skin is excellent, but would be possible in future updates you add the possibility of watch the mini faces like in this image/picture:

11 months ago
2 weeks ago

Love the skin but unfortunately the cities background doesn't work well with the skin. I can barely see any text. Do you have any recommendations as to how best to get around this or would you advise I just scrap the cities background altogether?


EDIT: Found the fix. Nothing to see here haha! Love the skin as always!


12 years ago
1 day ago
By SaintOfSelhurst 13 November 2023 - 03:22 AM UTC 

Love the skin but unfortunately the cities background doesn't work well with the skin. I can barely see any text. Do you have any recommendations as to how best to get around this or would you advise I just scrap the cities background altogether?


EDIT: Found the fix. Nothing to see here haha! Love the skin as always!


Good day to all!!

Could you share the solution  with us?Because i have the same problem and this is my best skin.

Thank you in advance!


Thank you VINCE for the wonderfull skin! 

8 years ago
1 hour ago

Ciao Vince, volevo dirti che a me sta dando parecchi problemi. Nel schermata degli osservatori scompare la voce “ cns” ( consiglio degli osservatori per intenderci ), nella schermata della rosa mi disallinea graficamente i ruoli e nella schermata della partita quando c è il commento fra una azione e l altra, in bassso a sinistra mi sovrappone l ultima voce ( comunica se non erro ) sulla barra del commento della partita.

10 months ago
4 months ago
By SaintOfSelhurst 13 November 2023 - 03:22 AM UTC 

Love the skin but unfortunately the cities background doesn't work well with the skin. I can barely see any text. Do you have any recommendations as to how best to get around this or would you advise I just scrap the cities background altogether?


EDIT: Found the fix. Nothing to see here haha! Love the skin as always!


Hi can you help..i have the same issue..what did you do?

13 years ago
1 week ago

Hi Vince957, in your skin:


I can't view wich positions in the league go to Asian Champions League


The same in La Liga, Serie A, Premier League,… in all leagues the rules don't show which positions go to Champions League. Uefa Europa League, Uefa Conference League,… Can you fix it for the next update?? Thanks!!!

3 years ago
7 months ago

Ciao Vince, mi confermi che i pop-up (gol sugli altri campi, suggerimenti dell'allenatore in seconda, sostituzioni dell'avversario) non sono più disponibili quando si installa la tua skin? o quantomeno è quello che succede a me, ho provato di tutto ma non vanno più… 

5 years ago
1 month ago
By AiZaK 12 November 2023 - 23:21 PM UTC 

Hi Vince957, your skin is excellent, but would be possible in future updates you add the possibility of watch the mini faces like in this image/picture:

 the player faces are in the general info view


5 years ago
1 month ago
By Rayden76 13 November 2023 - 22:13 PM UTC 

Ciao Vince, mi confermi che i pop-up (gol sugli altri campi, suggerimenti dell'allenatore in seconda, sostituzioni dell'avversario) non sono più disponibili quando si installa la tua skin? o quantomeno è quello che succede a me, ho provato di tutto ma non vanno più… 


Puoi mettere i feedback del vice nei due pannelli laterali

13 years ago
1 week ago

Vince how do you have the Champions League background in your skin??? How Can we do the same???


Thanks for your amazing skin, simply the best!!

5 years ago
1 month ago
By AiZaK 15 November 2023 - 13:09 PM UTC 

Vince how do you have the Champions League background in your skin??? How Can we do the same???


Thanks for your amazing skin, simply the best!!

You can change the background by clicking the monitor, my skin support the backgrounds


13 years ago
1 week ago

I did not know, i will try, thx!!!

8 years ago
1 hour ago

Con i fix di questa versione 1.1 questa skin rasenta quasi la perfezione. Grande!

10 years ago
1 month ago

mi piacerebbe avere i risultati delle altre squadre in tempo reale senza andare a premere sul tabellone dei punteggi! se sistemi questa cosa per me e' perfetta!

2 years ago
8 hours ago

Best skin for Low res players. Quick question, how do I change the condition from a heart shape to percentages?

5 years ago
1 month ago
By HakeemJ 16 November 2023 - 13:06 PM UTC 

Best skin for Low res players. Quick question, how do I change the condition from a heart shape to percentages?

You have to edit the current view, in the video it explains how to do it, and you have to look in the part relating to the physical, a white bar, without a name, unfortunately SI are removing some translations.


gigih putrazta
10 months ago
3 days ago
can't see the media name
FU Jiaqi
8 months ago
6 months ago
By JOE_WONDERKID 13 November 2023 - 13:25 PM UTC 

Hi can you help..i have the same issue..what did you do?

hi  Vince,i love this skin and i have the same issue like him…

how could i put the city backgrounds only in this small window?   thank you so much !!!

dont like this , i can almost see nothing …xD

10 months ago
5 months ago

Thank You very much man, been hunting for ages for a skin and mr low res 900p is perfection. No need for background packs and stadium packs this skins is top class. Makes it better

5 years ago
1 month ago
By FU Jiaqi 19 November 2023 - 15:45 PM UTC 

hi  Vince,i love this skin and i have the same issue like him…

how could i put the city backgrounds only in this small window?   thank you so much !!!

dont like this , i can almost see nothing …xD

the game controls which background to show on this panel, the only thing you can do is remove the city background in the graphics game folder or change the background clicking on the monitor

8 years ago
7 months ago

Brilliant skin!


Thanks very much!

11 years ago
1 day ago

When you load the player screen up, all i see is the plans tab multiple times.


i go to change these to what i want, then click away, when i come back to the player screen it defaults back the multiple plans tabs again?!


is there any update on this bug?



8 years ago
1 hour ago

Vince ottimo lavoro come al solito. Solo una cosa, nella schermata dei vari migliori 11 potresti rimettere le maglie delle squadre al posto delle facce dei giocatori?

8 years ago
1 hour ago

Vince great job as usual. just one thing, in the screen of the various best 11 could you put the team shirts back in place of the players faces? Thank you.

Tindaro D'Angelo
3 years ago
3 months ago

ciao ho un problema con il nuovo aggiornamento 24.3. 

Ho scaricato sia il nofake che la skin 1.2 ma non funziona nulla. mi potete aiutare per favore?

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