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Jimmy T
There is a worrying trend happening on the forums at the moment. There are users actively posting issues with the game in regards to features not working as promised.
Then you have the deniers, who even get personal in their responses to the users experiencing issues.
The worrying thing for me, is the mods there a removing posts with the bug issues and keeping the deniers posts up. It's creating a narrative that the issues with the game are only experienced by a small number of people and the users are exaggerating.
I have posted bugs on the forums and get attacked for doing so. One user even called me a whiner, when in fact I have posted evidence and have proven that promised features are not working. They remove my post in response to the user, basically me pointing out that poster seems to just want to antagonise users experiencing issues and please do not engage in conversation with me anymore and if they were enjoying the game, why are the responding to all the people not.
Bielsa is a legend
SI don’t care, they turn out the same base game each year, which is basically a glorified database knowing full well that the community will improve every aspect of the game
let’s face it, we change:
league expansions
real name fixes
pitch textures
its a bit like Triggers Broom
Jimmy T
They have closed another thread due to ‘bickering’. It seems any threads that have evidence of issues with the game, they wait until a debate starts then close them.
Forza Milan1
Agreed, this game is nothing without mods
They only want to show each other off and give each other praise. If you mention a problem that they consider "insignificant" (in fact they are not in the mood to help) they either close your topic, delete your comments, or the moderators themselves attack you. I don't know how they ended up like that. But the best answer they give is "be yourself the solution to your problem". But yes! how come I did not think about it! I guess I came all the way here to report a problem that I can solve by myself. Very logical! They probably forget that we pay every year to buy a game and we have the requirement that it be at least playable.
Authentic democracy…
Bielsa is a legend
SI need competition
with the right backing there is a community of modders that could wipe the floor with the SI coders
at best the base release game is 5/10, the mods on here and other sites make it playable and realistic.
I fear for 2025 as the game is rewritten, no existing mods will work and we will have SI tosh to deal with
Always been like that
Have a look for any thread which is slightly critical the usual posters(strange how they always appear when needed😉) attack it ..they have never seen a bug the game is the best ever rhetoric
Si are great etc etc
The original poster has to defend himself then a mod says this is going nowhere and it's closed
As regards bugs lol
The editor this time is simply dreadful
And they do not care
Jimmy T
Update for everyone. They banned me from the forums. Hers a copy and paste
¨But the debates are about issues with the game. If a mod was to reach out and basically say “this is a known issue being looked into, so there is no reason to debate anymore” these wouldn’t be occurring as much."
"It's not for us mods to publicly announce known issues
All I can say is get reporting any issues you find rather than discussing them"
This is my warning message
As a moderating team we've decided to remove you from the Feedback Thread due to your recent activity driving the thread off topic.
Furthermore, making commentary on how moderators moderate the forum with regards to feedback on multiple threads in multiple places is getting a bit much.
In order to moderate your posts and allow you to remain posting we've also decided to put you on post moderation for the forseeable future.
My advice is once you have made a particular point, it doesn't need repeating across multiple threads across the forum or the same one.
You might also benefit from taking a bit of a step back at times rather than getting too buried into negative discussions on the forum which just contributes to a negative atmosphere for staff and other users.
F that forum and f that company. I will refund this shitshow of a game. Ive been on them forums for over 20 years and this is how they treat feedback!
Latrell yard man
Agree FM is nothing without the mods they SI do not give enough credit to the community that makes all this imo they have more time for the famous content creators, they should also give the mods early access to the editor so the important work they do can get started on.
Bielsa is a legend
Or even ask a modder to code a working editor
the 24 editor is shambolic
Latrell yard man
That most explain why a lot of things are taking a long time to come out, the editor can be tricky enough at times but to have these bugs going on must be a complete nightmare.
\'Appy \'Ammer
Sadly, I am very disappointed with how things have turned out this year. This is the last in this part of the series and it should really have been a case of fine tuning all the niggly things that haven't been right over the years.
The ability to continue an fm23 save is what sold the game to me. But I read that there's issues further down the line with some of these saves. I don't want to waste my time continuing a save which may end up corrupted. This was a headline feature, you'd think a headline feature would be 100% guaranteed to work. Same with the improved AI squad planning. It's embarrassing.
As what was said above, fm25 will be riddled with issues for about 3 years I reckon.
The pre game editor has also disappointed. I spent months engrossed in last year's version. I simply refuse to invest the same amount of time dealing with problems in an editor that isn't functioning properly.
And one more thing while I'm at it, I have posted a couple of bugs I've come across but they always seem to remain open, with no comments from SI. So I have to question are they even getting looked at.
I have hardly touched the game since the early access came out. I was holding out for the editor but now I've simply lost the will to do anything with it until things are working better. If someone like daveincid claims to be able to improve the AI, how can SI not do this on release with their own game???
Maybe when SI review the playing time of users and compare it with previous years, they will see a big drop in playing time. Would that be enough of a wake up call for the company, or would they not care as they are growing their sales and have the money in the bank?