Over 53,000 teams from 227 teams with their Unique IDs to assist with any club designs, edits or updates.

Afghanistan | AFG | 30 Clubs |
Albania | ALB | 71 Clubs |
Algeria | ALG | 150 Clubs |
American Samoa | ASA | 11 Clubs |
Andorra | AND | 19 Clubs |
Angola | ANG | 73 Clubs |
Anguilla | AIA | 10 Clubs |
Antigua & Barbuda | ATG | 39 Clubs |
Argentina | ARG | 1334 Clubs |
Armenia | ARM | 41 Clubs |
Aruba | ARU | 19 Clubs |
Australia | AUS | 857 Clubs |
Austria | AUT | 2136 Clubs |
Azerbaijan | AZE | 93 Clubs |
Bahamas | BAH | 17 Clubs |
Bahrain | BHR | 24 Clubs |
Bangladesh | BAN | 112 Clubs |
Barbados | BRB | 43 Clubs |
Belarus | BLR | 166 Clubs |
Belgium | BEL | 890 Clubs |
Belize | BLZ | 19 Clubs |
Benin | BEN | 58 Clubs |
Bermuda | BER | 20 Clubs |
Bhutan | BHU | 46 Clubs |
Bolivia | BOL | 122 Clubs |
Bonaire | BOE | 11 Clubs |
Bosnia & Herzegovina | BIH | 195 Clubs |
Botswana | BOT | 46 Clubs |
Brazil | BRA | 833 Clubs |
British Virgin Islands | VGB | 11 Clubs |
Brunei | BRU | 60 Clubs |
Bulgaria | BUL | 485 Clubs |
Burkina Faso | BFA | 105 Clubs |
Burundi | BDI | 44 Clubs |
Cambodia | CAM | 36 Clubs |
Cameroon | CMR | 143 Clubs |
Canada | CAN | 101 Clubs |
Cape Verde | CPV | 102 Clubs |
Cayman Islands | CAY | 15 Clubs |
Central African Republic | CTA | 34 Clubs |
Chad | CHA | 24 Clubs |
Chile | CHI | 178 Clubs |
China PR | CHN | 408 Clubs |
Chinese Taipei | TPE | 104 Clubs |
Colombia | COL | 525 Clubs |
Comoros | COM | 57 Clubs |
Congo | CGO | 30 Clubs |
Cook Islands | COK | 07 Clubs |
Costa Rica | CRC | 62 Clubs |
Crimea | CRM | 106 Clubs |
Croatia | CRO | 454 Clubs |
Cuba | CUB | 18 Clubs |
Curaรงao | CUW | 29 Clubs |
Cyprus | CYP | 58 Clubs |
Czechia | CZE | 348 Clubs |
Denmark | DEN | 440 Clubs |
Djibouti | DJI | 22 Clubs |
Dominica | DMA | 34 Clubs |
Dominican Republic | DOM | 44 Clubs |
DR Congo | COD | 73 Clubs |
Ecuador | ECU | 320 Clubs |
Egypt | EGY | 287 Clubs |
El Salvador | SLV | 59 Clubs |
England | ENG | 1217 Clubs |
Equatorial Guinea | EQG | 71 Clubs |
Eritrea | ERI | 13 Clubs |
Estonia | EST | 86 Clubs |
Eswatini | SWZ | 35 Clubs |
Ethiopia | ETH | 69 Clubs |
Faroe Islands | FRO | 22 Clubs |
Fiji | FIJ | 20 Clubs |
Finland | FIN | 409 Clubs |
France | FRA | 1769 Clubs |
French Guiana | GUF | 29 Clubs |
Gabon | GAB | 59 Clubs |
Georgia | GEO | 161 Clubs |
Germany | GER | 2022 Clubs |
Ghana | GHA | 188 Clubs |
Gibraltar | GIB | 14 Clubs |
Greece | GRE | 1554 Clubs |
Grenada | GRN | 30 Clubs |
Guadeloupe | GLP | 50 Clubs |
Guam | GUM | 64 Clubs |
Guatemala | GUA | 70 Clubs |
Guinea | GUI | 56 Clubs |
Guinea-Bissau | GNB | 53 Clubs |
Guyana | GUY | 50 Clubs |
Haiti | HAI | 58 Clubs |
Honduras | HON | 75 Clubs |
Hong Kong | HKG | 136 Clubs |
Hungary | HUN | 421 Clubs |
Iceland | ISL | 99 Clubs |
India | IND | 457 Clubs |
Indonesia | IDN | 220 Clubs |
Iran | IRN | 325 Clubs |
Iraq | IRQ | 162 Clubs |
Israel | ISR | 282 Clubs |
Italy | ITA | 4694 Clubs |
Ivory Coast | CIV | 154 Clubs |
Jamaica | JAM | 309 Clubs |
Japan | JPN | 125 Clubs |
Jordan | JOR | 92 Clubs |
Kazakhstan | KAZ | 332 Clubs |
Kenya | KEN | 72 Clubs |
Kiribati | KIR | 36 Clubs |
Kosovo | KOS | 103 Clubs |
Kuwait | KUW | 16 Clubs |
Kyrgyzstan | KGZ | 52 Clubs |
Laos | LAO | 43 Clubs |
Latvia | LVA | 54 Clubs |
Lebanon | LIB | 179 Clubs |
Lesotho | LES | 37 Clubs |
Liberia | LBR | 82 Clubs |
Libya | LBY | 82 Clubs |
Lithuania | LTU | 36 Clubs |
Luxembourg | LUX | 102 Clubs |
Macau | MAC | 229 Clubs |
Madagascar | MAD | 88 Clubs |
Malawi | MWI | 36 Clubs |
Malaysia | MAS | 249 Clubs |
Maldives | MDV | 58 Clubs |
Mali | MLI | 112 Clubs |
Malta | MLT | 67 Clubs |
Martinique | MTQ | 48 Clubs |
Mauritania | MTN | 39 Clubs |
Mauritius | MRI | 37 Clubs |
Mayotte | MAY | 49 Clubs |
Mexico | MEX | 693 Clubs |
Micronesia | FSM | 15 Clubs |
Moldova | MDA | 58 Clubs |
Mongolia | MNG | 41 Clubs |
Montenegro | MNE | 63 Clubs |
Montserrat | MSR | 07 Clubs |
Morocco | MAR | 83 Clubs |
Mozambique | MOZ | 85 Clubs |
Myanmar | MYA | 34 Clubs |
Namibia | NAM | 50 Clubs |
Nepal | NEP | 70 Clubs |
Netherlands | NED | 1311 Clubs |
New Caledonia | NCL | 65 Clubs |
New Zealand | NZL | 186 Clubs |
Nicaragua | NCA | 78 Clubs |
Niger | NIG | 42 Clubs |
Nigeria | NGA | 279 Clubs |
North Korea | PRK | 66 Clubs |
North Macedonia | MKD | 189 Clubs |
Northern Ireland | NIR | 350 Clubs |
Northern Mariana | NMI | 32 Clubs |
Norway | NOR | 865 Clubs |
Oman | OMA | 44 Clubs |
Pakistan | PAK | 85 Clubs |
Palestine | PLE | 118 Clubs |
Panama | PAN | 46 Clubs |
Papua New Guinea | PNG | 67 Clubs |
Paraguay | PAR | 138 Clubs |
Peru | PER | 281 Clubs |
Philippines | PHI | 47 Clubs |
Poland | POL | 293 Clubs |
Portugal | POR | 1124 Clubs |
Puerto Rico | PUR | 33 Clubs |
Qatar | QAT | 42 Clubs |
Republic of Ireland | IRL | 413 Clubs |
Rรฉunion | REU | 38 Clubs |
Romania | ROU | 1165 Clubs |
Russia | RUS | 609 Clubs |
Rwanda | RWA | 32 Clubs |
Saint Kitts & Nevis | SKN | 25 Clubs |
Saint Lucia | LCA | 46 Clubs |
Saint Pierre & Miquelon | SPM | 03 Clubs |
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines | VIN | 30 Clubs |
Saint-Martin | SMN | 07 Clubs |
Samoa | SAM | 32 Clubs |
San Marino | SMR | 16 Clubs |
Sรฃo Tomรฉ & Prรญncipe | STP | 31 Clubs |
Saudi Arabia | KSA | 184 Clubs |
Scotland | SCO | 403 Clubs |
Senegal | SEN | 110 Clubs |
Serbia | SRB | 430 Clubs |
Seychelles | SEY | 26 Clubs |
Sierra Leone | SLE | 40 Clubs |
Singapore | SIN | 80 Clubs |
Sint Maarten | SMA | 15 Clubs |
Slovakia | SVK | 86 Clubs |
Slovenia | SVN | 156 Clubs |
Solomon Islands | SOL | 106 Clubs |
Somalia | SOM | 21 Clubs |
South Africa | RSA | 555 Clubs |
South Korea | KOR | 257 Clubs |
South Sudan | SSD | 41 Clubs |
Spain | ESP | 1326 Clubs |
Sri Lanka | SRI | 80 Clubs |
St. Barthรฉlemy | BLM | 07 Clubs |
Sudan | SUD | 46 Clubs |
Suriname | SUR | 42 Clubs |
Sweden | SWE | 905 Clubs |
Switzerland | SUI | 533 Clubs |
Syria | SYR | 117 Clubs |
Tahiti | TAH | 30 Clubs |
Tajikistan | TJK | 92 Clubs |
Tanzania | TAN | 62 Clubs |
Thailand | THA | 283 Clubs |
The Gambia | GAM | 46 Clubs |
Timor-Leste | TLS | 23 Clubs |
Togo | TOG | 61 Clubs |
Tonga | TGA | 27 Clubs |
Trinidad & Tobago | TRI | 120 Clubs |
Tunisia | TUN | 158 Clubs |
Tรผrkiye | TUR | 3348 Clubs |
Turkmenistan | TKM | 63 Clubs |
Turks & Caicos Islands | TCA | 06 Clubs |
Tuvalu | TUV | 12 Clubs |
UAE | UAE | 78 Clubs |
Uganda | UGA | 45 Clubs |
Ukraine | UKR | 1321 Clubs |
Uruguay | URU | 552 Clubs |
US Virgin Islands | VIR | 09 Clubs |
USA | USA | 887 Clubs |
Uzbekistan | UZB | 122 Clubs |
Vanuatu | VAN | 188 Clubs |
Venezuela | VEN | 78 Clubs |
Vietnam | VIE | 92 Clubs |
Wales | WAL | 458 Clubs |
Wallis & Futuna | WFI | 03 Clubs |
Yemen | YEM | 63 Clubs |
Zambia | ZAM | 127 Clubs |
Zanzibar | ZAN | 58 Clubs |
Zimbabwe | ZIM | 60 Clubs |
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love it!!!
Thank you
Thank you! this type of thing is very helpful.
Do you think you could create a list of UIDs for cities as well?
I'm doing a project where I'm adding some but it'd be helpful to see the cities that are already there to avoid duplicates.
Is there a reason you guys appreciate this as a PDF rather than what's already on the site and or search? I'd be happy to try and come up with something that everyone feels would be useful if you've got a suggestion.
i take it itโs the offline research possibility, at least thatโs the most important thing for me. i am too busy researching and making graphics packs, so i donโt play fm and thus cannot look up ids in-game.
my preferred option is to have an excel or acrobat file available for reference.
for instance, there was a bug a while ago when the international section of the trophies would not display (fifa / world), so ids couldnโt be looked up - it took a few weeks until this was rectified. with downloadable files, one is not dependent on the pace at which these issues are sorted out. this is certainly a very niche problem, but thatโs how it is in my case.
Thanks for the feedback @cameosis did you report the trophy international browsing issue? I'm pretty sure I fixed it straight away once it was reported to me so either it wasn't reported promptly or was reported somewhere I didn't see.
Also I think using the guide pages would be better than the graphic pages for looking up IDs but if I can make an even easier one i'll look into it.
all good, no worries.
yes, i had reported it as soon as i noticed:
i usually tag you or qvordrup, but i expected it to take a while with the amount of bug or error reports that come in, which it did.
as to the guide pages, unfortunately that doesnโt work. the reason for this is a display issue.
what that means is that not all the database entries are listed, the display is incomplete. in addition to that, if i enter a search term, the results listed are incomplete as well.
iโll give you an example for a search:
say i want to look up all the clubs called eintracht and i enter the search term into the query mask, then i get the following results (screenshot 1).
eintracht frankfurt (912), the biggest and most important club among those with the name eintracht, is not listed.
if i enter the unique id or the search term frankfurt, then for some reason it is displayed (screenshots 2 and 3).
the problem here is, if i already know the id or the name, then i donโt need to use the search function.
on the other hand, for someone who cannot look up entries in-game, it is impossible to guess the correct search term which will yield the desired results - take the sheer amount of lower league clubs and their players, for example.
here is an example for the entries listed on a guide page - from what i gathered, it only shows active competitions and entries for the database in question (screenshots 4 and 5).
if i go to the respective trophy pack page, i can look up all the entries with their corresponding unique ids (screenshots 6 and 7).
for the purpose of closing gaps in graphics packs and researching entries, finding a complete listing of the unique ids in one place is the reason why excel spreadsheets or pdf documents are so convenient and helpful.
Thanks for the feedback @cameosis i've added it to my todo list to create a better ID lookup resource ๐
cheers and thanks ๐
I wanted to create this so I can create custom kits and logos without having to open the game or editor each time. A quick search on a pdf or word doc for me just seems a lot quicker. Hopefully people find it useful.
@Footygamer one more question: is it possible to implement a search option for players/staff/officials by nationality? there are many people who are free agents and without a club so that would make it possible to look them up as well, not only those with a club affiliation.
if there already is, nevermind but from what i have gathered, search by nations only shows the countries and their corresponding competitions currently.
I'll look into that as well @cameosis ๐
@cameosis please check out this: https://sortitoutsi.net/content/65755/new-football-manager-id-lookup-tool-fmrefcom
@Footygamer i'll write you once i've done it, thanks for the heads up and work ๐๐ฟ