8 years ago
1 month ago

Just a bit of advice, I play the game in only commentary. So to enable me to see my team win the cup and see the trophy presentation do I need to switch to comprehensive highlights and have the graphics set to the maximum?


Also, if you win the league do you get to see the trophy presentation or is it just in Cup finals that you see it?

14 years ago
5 hours ago
By McG84 15 April 2024 - 11:12 AM UTC 

Just a bit of advice, I play the game in only commentary. So to enable me to see my team win the cup and see the trophy presentation do I need to switch to comprehensive highlights and have the graphics set to the maximum?


Also, if you win the league do you get to see the trophy presentation or is it just in Cup finals that you see it?


If you win the league there is a trophy presentation. 

8 years ago
1 month ago
By Copywriter 15 April 2024 - 15:42 PM UTC 

If you win the league there is a trophy presentation. 


When do you see it? Last game of the season or the game that wins you the league?

14 years ago
5 hours ago
By McG84 15 April 2024 - 16:21 PM UTC 

When do you see it? Last game of the season or the game that wins you the league?


the game that you win the league 

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