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Hi, I've been having an issue recently where the transfer window dates are messed up. It started after I accidentally deleted a bunch of files from my Documents folder on Windows, some were SI folder files. I started a new game with an edited database and noticed the transfer windows were wrong. So I deleted that save game and changed the dates for that league in the pre-game editor. That worked for that specific league and I played a couple of seasons of a new save. When I moved clubs to a new country, I saw that the transfer window dates were messed up there too. I've since learned that a bunch, maybe all, are messed up.
I uninstalled the game and the editor files, and re-installed the game leaving the editor files out. I used the editor to check the dates of Poland, and they're still messed up. This is just with a fresh install and the 22.4 update. I have no idea what's causing the issue since it isn't connected to the editor files.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Here's and screenshot of the editor for Poland's transfer dates: