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I installed the WTCS Gold v1.3 skin for FM24 in my Epic Games>Football Manager 2024>skins folder.
I launched the game 'Preferences' > 'Interface' > unticked 'Use caching to decrease page loading times & tick 'Reload skin when confirming changes' >'Reload Skin'
then 'Preferences'>'Interface'>'clear cache' 'Reload Skin'
But despite doing the following as people have recommended, neither the Skin or other packs like face,logo,stadium, trophy, newgen faces aren't showing up in the game and I'm not sure how to solve this as I'm new to the game and can't start my save without the packs. Please help me.
Note: I created the ‘skins’ folder since it didn't exist before. Below are screenshots of my folder.
Sean Holdsworth
Hi , wish I could help. I've done exactly the same as you by the looks and mine doesn't work either. I tried making different file names but no look . Hope someone else can help soon …. It's doing my head in!!!
Sean Holdsworth
Me again … scroll down this page to the installation video. There's a bit which I've not known on there.
In the game … preferences , interface , skin . Then click on the skin section ( Football Manager) it should show if anything has been added. If anything there click on it and then it works. I just tried it with the WTCS Gold mod and yup !!!!
maybe just read the instructions?
Same folder structure as Steam…?
Update: Got the skin to work. I installed the game in my “G:EpicGames>FM24” SSD because I had more space and usually download games on it but the thing is FM originally retrieves and looks for files from “Documents>Sports Interactive>FM24” instead of where I installed the game and added the skin files. So I launched the game and told it to look for files in my G: folder instead of the Documents area.
Now I just need to fix the player faces configured as they're not showing up no matter which method I try, tried the same thing as the skin but no luck. I did some digging and supposedly the config file is really important as it tells the game to match the files to players faces in game but the facepack I downloaded from Sortitoutsi doesn't have any config files in it but just the face files which is kind of dumb.
Lee Jason
I tried my luck by putting it here…i thought it might be faces related…and seems it works, both the players' faces, the logos and the skin too. Try it on yours.
D:\Games\Epic Games\FootballManager24\data\sifacegen
I have this issue but didn't save it anywhere “exotic”. It's located on my C drive, and no matter what I do I can't make the game recognise the skins folder. I've followed the entire video to the letter, but to no avail. Could you post screenshots of your fix in the hope it also might fix my issue?