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I'm Arsenal, and I'll put the players who will usually start when fit. But first here's the squad for reference if you think someone else should be in the first 11.
My 4231 tactic: (Walcott set to Wing (A) not IF (A)!
I did have Naiggolan as BWM but he wasn't performing. CM (D) just makes him play better. I had the most luck with this formation last season, but this season not so much. The only change is Monreal for Santon at left back in the first team. I did have slightly different team instructions last season, but it wasn't working this season, so this is the change.
My 433 tactic:
So my team instructions match my 4231. The idea of having these two formations setup the same but with the midfield inverted is, that this is meant mainly for away games/ when the other team has a beast AM who needs marking. And also for games where I can't be too attacking. I sometimes change this one to standard depending on who I'm playing. I didn't use this too much last season, but always done the job when called upon. However I am really struggling on player roles for this one. Unsure on my midfield 3 and my front 3. Tips here please!
My 442 tactic:
I threw this formation together to add anther option when needed. I used it vs all the big boys last season and it got me the results. Only used it once vs United this season at home and won 2-0. While the football isn't the most interesting, it's worked for me. But tired it vs a smaller team and just doesn't work. It's got to be a big team. I also have Giroud set to TM on this.
So that's my 3 formations. 2 of them are similar but a change of shape depending on opposition. I currently have not changed any player instructions. I've played around with a few of them, they didn't seem to change too much. So right now they are on the default, if you think I should change them, please say.
My formation familiarity:
So yeah, that's my current setups. You got everything there that you would need to know in order to help me out, if you want to of course