14 years ago
11 months ago
Okay, let's pretend I'm really stupid, how can they block all porn?

I ask because as a person who has worked at a few companies which have attempted to block sites (facebook etc) it always relies on an administrator to individually block each site. So other there's some kind of hardcoded signature only porn sites have, are they really going to go around and block all fifty billion porn sites around the world?
18 years ago
2 years ago
By Fantastic | Permalink | On 22 July 2013 - 19:49 PM
Okay, let's pretend I'm really stupid, how can they block all porn?

I ask because as a person who has worked at a few companies which have attempted to block sites (facebook etc) it always relies on an administrator to individually block each site. So other there's some kind of hardcoded signature only porn sites have, are they really going to go around and block all fifty billion porn sites around the world?

I can only imagine like a blacklist of sites and filtering of keywords and such?
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
English mobile networks already block some LGBT sites so a filter will just not work
Phoenix Arrow
16 years ago
1 week ago
By Fantastic | Permalink | On 22 July 2013 - 19:49 PM
Okay, let's pretend I'm really stupid, how can they block all porn?

I ask because as a person who has worked at a few companies which have attempted to block sites (facebook etc) it always relies on an administrator to individually block each site. So other there's some kind of hardcoded signature only porn sites have, are they really going to go around and block all fifty billion porn sites around the world?

Presumably the same way the block it at schools. At the council I work at, we use a system called Blue Shield. I believe it's maintained by Virgin Media. What it basically does it catagorises every website and block it based on what's been set up by whoevers calling the shots. For instance, schools normally have adult content, proxys and... LGBT. I don't know why. A bunch of other stuff too like weapons and whatever. I could provide a full list if I could be bothered to write it down at work but I can't and I shan't. Everything gets banned based on what we recommend to the schools or what the schools decide themselves if they opt into that service.

That's where it gets interesting.
I had a call from a school not too long ago asking to get a website catagorised as adult/mature. Porn basically. That website was tumblr. It was a tumblr page call publicdisplaysoferection. I completely creased myself on the phone when she read that out to me, I swear to god. A school teacher reading smut to me over the phone for 5 minutes. Some people pay for that shit.

Anyway, naturally they can't do that as it's a social media site, it just happens to have some porn on it in certain places. But they could block that one individual page once it had been reported. That's the issue here. People who are looking for porn aged 16+ (probably) go to big search enginey hub type places to find their porn. They do that on purpose, they seek it out. Noone's ever gone onto pornhub and thought OH FIDDLESTICKS I WAS LOOKING TO BUY A PIZZA BUT THAT PIZZA HAS A PENIS STICKING THROUGH IT, WHAT IS THIS DISGUSTING SERVICE. The perceived problem here is that kids are stumbling onto things by mistake. They're seeing some pictures on tumblr or they're looking for flash games and accidently end up on some obscure Polish porn site (another call I've had). They can't block that, they don't know it's there.

By Slashman X | Permalink | On 22 July 2013 - 20:17 PM
English mobile networks already block some LGBT sites so a filter will just not work

In the eyes of people who make decisions. LGBT = porn.
18 years ago
2 years ago
By Slashman X | Permalink | On 22 July 2013 - 20:17 PM
English mobile networks already block some LGBT sites so a filter will just not work

Do they still block 18+ stuff? I remember I had to go into a T-Mobile shop to get it unblocked
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
I believe so yes.
16 years ago
4 years ago
All adult sites are blocked on the mobile networks by law and have been for a while. TalkTalk have been passing off the supposed Government filter software as a security feature for ages.
18 years ago
5 months ago
It's a fucking ridiculous idea.
17 years ago
4 years ago
By Obtuse | Permalink | On 22 July 2013 - 20:50 PM
All adult sites are blocked on the mobile networks by law and have been for a while. TalkTalk have been passing off the supposed Government filter software as a security feature for ages.

Didn't their CEO go to school with Cameron, and doesn't he give ludicrous amounts of money to the Tory party?
16 years ago
4 years ago
By terriersmad | Permalink | On 22 July 2013 - 21:55 PM
Didn't their CEO go to school with Cameron, and doesn't he give ludicrous amounts of money to the Tory party?

I have absolutely no idea, It would not amaze me though.

Turns out she did go to school with him and she is married to a Tory MP.
14 years ago
11 months ago
16 years ago
8 years ago
On the porn debate.

Deleted Account #151676
According to the Independent Cameron has already U-turned on the Porn issue. Independent
18 years ago
1 month ago
Sleep Paralysis sucks balls.
18 years ago
2 months ago
I actually dreamt I had sleep paralysis tonight, proper dream within a dream stuff
14 years ago
5 years ago
By Deano | Permalink | On 23 July 2013 - 16:54 PM
Sleep Paralysis sucks balls.

I get the minute-long kind on an almost daily basis, sometimes recurring several times in one night. After I found out what it really was I stopped getting scared of it and I actually find it quite fascinating. It's a lucid dream of sorts.
18 years ago
2 months ago
Zijie do you sleep on your back?
14 years ago
5 years ago
Not all the time. I do get it more frequently when I'm sleeping on my back, but I also get it often when I'm face-flat (and it's actually far scarier when I am).
18 years ago
2 months ago
Alright. If you're getting it that frequently and even when you aren't sleeping in a supine position you should probably go see a doctor. It could be a sign of some sort of sleep disorder.
14 years ago
5 years ago
Oh, Christ. All right, I will. Never knew it was such a big issue and I thought everyone gets it.
18 years ago
2 months ago
Most people will experience it at some point, but near-daily is definitely not normal.
18 years ago
3 months ago
Ive had it around 3-4 times in my entire 24 year lifetime to date. I sleep on my front too.
The Platypus
14 years ago
2 years ago
Had it a lot when I was younger. One of the more unpleasant sensations I can recall.
18 years ago
5 months ago
Getting it whilst sleeping on your stomach is fucking terrifying.
13 years ago
9 months ago
Cant remember ever having it and dont want it :L How do people sleep on there stomach though I find it so uncomfortable face down
16 years ago
2 years ago
Never had sleep paralysis and don't think it'd be that pleasant.

I'm sure I've some form of fucking insomnia though.
King Luis
18 years ago
1 year ago
Every fucker thinks they have insomnia though, its the same with OCD everyone seems to think simply being tidy is OCD
16 years ago
2 years ago
By King Luis | Permalink | On 24 July 2013 - 00:23 AM
Every fucker thinks they have insomnia though, its the same with OCD everyone seems to think simply being tidy is OCD

I'll go about 3-4 days with maybe an hours sleep here and there every day sometimes.

That's not normal.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
By K3VO | Permalink | On 23 July 2013 - 15:25 PM
I'll go about 3-4 days with maybe an hours sleep here and there every day sometimes.

That's not normal.

How much sugar do you consume?

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