11 years ago
11 years ago

"First of all, welcome to my first story here. I noticed the site a few weeks ago and finally got around to signing up, now I want to post my career here to and decided to go down a slightly different route than the other stories on here. I've noticed that most of them are with higher clubs and ones most people have heard of, but I wasn't doing that, I've taken a trip to Azerbaijan for my story and taken over the reigns of Inter Baku who play in the top tier. I look to dominate the country before making my way through either the Europa or Champions League, really marking Azrebaijan on the map"

"My manager is called ASHBO, me basically, born on the third of March, 1988 in England, I never thought growing up I would take the reigns of a football team, especially not one in Azerbaijan, but if Tony Adams could do it, why can't I? For the sake of the challenge being hard enough as it is, and me starting in the top tier of Azerbaijan football, I will be using Azerbaijan as my second nationality also selecting the 'International football' as my previous experience, not that it will make much of a difference at this stage."

"I'm not going to copy and past hoards and hoards of information from Wikipedia like some people do about Inter Baku because one, it doesn't make good reading, two I won't bother to proof read it and three people don't read it. Here is however a quick run down of the club, for you to know what the club look like as I take control"

"The club are currently running on a professional status which is a step in the right direction with a national reputation. We are one of just a handful of clubs who have a loyal chairman, currently loving the club and why not when our finances are okay and are valued at just over one million. We play in an eight thousand all seater stadium called 'Safa' however our training and youth facilities aren't up to scratch. We are also participating in the Europa League this year."
11 years ago
11 years ago

"With the basis now outlined it was time to show off the team and financial situation side of the club. We have a good enough set up here, not going to be world beaters any time soon but its definitely a work in process. Now don't go thinking you are about to see the team that will fly high, we are far from that standard, but a few 'minor' tweaks here and there could certainly see us begin to rise in the right direction."

"As I said, we are miles and I mean millions of miles away from any glory at this club just yet! We have a club full of players who may be good enough to compete in the Azerbaijan Premier League but no where near good enough to compete even in the qualifying round of the Europa and Champions League I'd imagine. Obvious I'm yet to play a game but I can imagine. A new keeper would be required and two to leave at least and a new striker would be nice, should the budget be sufficient."

"The financial state of the club is just as poor as the squad looks on paper, if not poorer. Our financial status sees us sit with just two and a half thousand pounds in the bank! For christ sake I have that in my own bank account! Maybe I should buy the club out. No transfer budget given and just over one hundred and thirty pounds available in wages, we have little room to move"

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