Countries youth rating - amended following country average FIFA ranking in past 20 years with 4 interpolation curves for each of those 4 categories : South America, Europe, Africa, rest of the world (bcz some Continent had tougher matches).. this had fixed many ridiculous rating from original game (EX: india had stronger youth rating than belgium, scotland ..etc !!! ) and overall rating was too influenced by current ranking when history told us that team ratings change over the years ..this results a chaos in 10-20 years.
the rating now seem fair and will assure more accurate new generated players
to use the file just download it and put it in
C:\Users\******\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\editor data
**** refer to username
the rating now seem fair and will assure more accurate new generated players
to use the file just download it and put it in
C:\Users\******\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\editor data
**** refer to username
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It's a db add-on, so it won't have any effect on existing saved games.
Super! Will add it in. Any chance of a change list? I had previously put together an excel sheet of the top 100 ranked teams and their Youth Rating based on the editor values (took me hours!!) If you could post one I could quickly cross reference and amend mine
Have put the file in the location specified yet when I look at the editor the youth rating's for Belgium (85) & India (86) are still the same as before?? Have restarted my save game and re-checked and there's still no change.
Should I be doing something else?
Did you load the editor data file in the editor too?
I dont have the editor as its no longer a freebie
Open Steam and click on Library, then click Tools, scroll down to FM14 Data Editor and double click on it.
Of course it is!! my head hasn't been screwed on these last few days....have sorted it now thanks