13 years ago
4 months ago
I am having an issue when signing new players and the board restrictions on maximum wages.
If i have the squad status set to key I can use the maximum allowed 35.5k but if I use 1st team then it will only allow me to use 7k of the 27k max. My current wage bill is 30k under the max and I have plenty of transfer budget left.

Any ideas why i can only set the max to 7k even though in my salary budget 27k is the max for key players?
13 years ago
5 months ago
Try adjusting your budgets so you have more wages to play with - at least to see how what effects it.

Another thought; have you offered more than one contract? Maybe a cumulative effect.
13 years ago
4 months ago
Adjusting my budget has allowed me to offer more for 1st team status. Just confused me when it would allow the max for key player just not for 1st team. Thanks

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