Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive just under 490,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 490,238
- 2025.04 - Released on 11 Mar 2025

Any ideas, something that I'm missing?
It's out either around a month after the previous pack, or once the 3,500 image is approximately released. Hopefully, I'll manage to have it out by Christmas...
You can delete cut with UID 2003786 (James Collins, u18 trainer in Crewe) because this cut belongs to UID 5100376 (James Collins, central defender in West Ham United) who already have a correct cut-out.
I'll try to find a correct picture for UID 2003786 ...
I have some packs in progress, do i have time to post them?
Major problem in my opinion is,color "fixing",or for me and many other cutters color ruining cuts.Mons,I have suggestion for my cuts,please don't touch colors in the future,if I can't fix colors,I'll let you know.Now I'll put one of the example from this update,on left side is original and on the right side are pics in last update after "fixing".I won't post many other cuts with same problem from other cuters,I'm only speaking for myself.Because for expamle this full team is collor changed,and now they are looking like shiny discoballs.
Last 3 updates I'm talking about this mistake,but guess it's ignored every time!
With all respect to other cuter,but how this one could be better than the one I've posted?!
Also,replacing old version with new one in this post has no point,since new version is 10 years older,and not better quality.
This one also should be improvement,it's HQ cut,current one is very low quality,and half of the head is missing.
These cuts should be deleted from last update:
Download Cutout Megapack
Manager Number 1
O'Leary's Trainee
I always work to make my cuts as natural and realistic as possible, so it's quite frustrating when the MP's are updated and I have to go through all the cuts I've made to replace them with my own versions. This, however, does not help the multiple other cuts that suffer the same fate - cuts that are perfectly well done both in terms of color and lighting. Again, I would like to stress forward the belief that us cutters know what we're doing, and these corrections should only be done if there are DEFINITE issues with the image (which none should really have since I believe most of us cutters DO work on the colors and lighting).
Jan Edwinssen
In response to the general colour fixing complaints, I apologise for any offense caused, which is entirely unintended. If there's anybody who appreciates the hard work which goes into each cutter's work it's me, so I can't but keep thanking you all for you work. You are what keeps this project alive, which gives a lot of enjoyment to a lot of people (oo-er).
However, as I stated last time round, images look VERY different depending on your system's graphical capabilities and colour set-up. In the last month or so, I've installed and played FM on 4 or 5 different computers and you'd be absolutely amazed how different images can look from one system to another. It's not a case of having a "good" or "bad" monitor or graphic cards, but this quite simply pertains to the colour calibration and graphics properties chosen by each user for their display. Cut-outs which have a slightly strange and unrealistic colour on one system can look perfectly normal on another. What looks fine on your computer doesn't necessarily look fine on mine or someone else's, and vice-versa. Sadly, I don't have the time (nor, frankly, the inclination) to check each and every image on different set-ups. I barely keep up as it is!
Of course, I'm not saying that I haven't tweaked some images, but I did make a conscious effort not to overdo it, keeping in mind the previous feedback which you guys gave me. I'll try to decrease it even further. Do keep in mind that there will be a LOT of images in each update pack which needed massive colour corrections, straightening, brightening, centering, snow removal etc and which nobody notices. It may be that sometimes I get a bit too carried away with the tweaking, apparently.
As always, if there's any particular images which anybody thinks are monumentally wrong, then feel free to either post in here with your grievances or to contact me via PM and I'll give them another look. If, after that, we agree to disagree, one can always overwrite their megapack image with the cut-out originally produced, after all.
Do remember, however, that I go through thousands of images every month, sometimes when tired, and, despite my best intentions, mistakes have happened before and will happen again. I'm not stubborn or proud enough not to be able to admit when I make mistakes. I've been comparing images for the last 4 and a half years now, though, so I like to think that by now I have a decent enough eye to what makes a good cut-out. Lest it be misunderstood, I'm NOT saying at all that all the images which I tweak are not good cut-outs, just that, at the time in which I tweak them, I thought that it would result in an improvement...
The image you use as an example is too dark and colour-free on my set-up and the one which I included in the MP has a much more natural hue, in my opinion.
You ask me not to tweak your images but I'm afraid that's not going to be possible. It's time-consuming enough for me to collect the images, let alone having to categorise them by cutter and having to remember who allows his cut-outs to be tweaked and who not.
I have no idea why you quoted a facepack which is not in the last update pack, but, again, on my set-up they are quite dark and the tweaked versions have a more natural colour.
Every time I include this image in my files to be compared, and every time I end up rejecting it because the present MP image is a better cut, while not keeping track of the fact that it's a replacement rather than improvement image, so apologies for this. I've made a small change to the way I collect images in order to hopefully avoid this issue from ever happening again.
Regarding this cut-out, I've gone for the latter image since in my opinion the lighting is better and the cut-out is crisper. But I'll have another look at it.
Regarding this image, I don't know how I can be expected to notice that the image submitted is older, especially since the player in question is not exactly a household name. I just don't have the time to check stuff like that - especially since I assume that cutters will have made that kind of check themselves.
Regarding this cut-out, I'll take another look as it does indeed seem to be better, although the lighting in the latest cut-out is not the best and, if the top of the head is filled in, the existing cut-out has little wrong with it.
I'll remove those five images from the MP, although I don't know what's wrong with 13101424 - it's a cut-out which you yourself posted...
I'll look at calibrating my monitor, which is not cheap or a knock-off fwiw, and checking my settings, but I don't think there's much wrong at my end tbph.
If you've any particular images which you think are massively ill-coloured, then please let me know so that I may correct them for 6.04
In this particular instance, on my set-up the image on the left looks a bit too bright and lacking in colour. Admittedly, the one which I tweaked seems to be slightly darker than was my intention and the (excellently-cut) hair thus loses a bit of lustre.
Going through your recent post history, it seems to me that, while generally excellent from a technical point-of-view, a lot of the cut-outs appear slightly dark on my set-up (in contrast to the above image), probably due to the source images which they were cut from. I know full well that you and many other cutters tweak the images in order to amend colour, brightness etc., but this is not always the case for all the cutters - not everybody is as accomplished a cutter as you, after all.
Anyway, I've collected all the images from your posts in the above page (basically, all the images produced between 6.02 and 6.03) and I'll give them another look...
I'm sorry but, again, these on my set-up look to have far from normal colours. They seem dull, dark and hue-less. Again, on a technical level, I don't think there's much wrong with them but to pick an image at random, in my opinion at least, this tweaked version:
looks better than this original image:
I'll have another look at that facepack as well, though.
I've wasted many an hour, many a day actually, tweaking the cuts produced on here but I don't think I've ever complained or asked anyone to change their cutting style unless there's something wrong in their technique, because I understand that different people produce different types of cut-outs. Apart from a few loose rules (no chicken-neck, no snow, as little below the chin and above the head as possible etc), every cutter's style is different and that is a good thing - we're all individuals and not machines, after all. Nevertheless, some cutters have what is in my opinion excessive saturation in their cuts, other a lack of brightness etc - and I try to amend these in order to give what is a more realistic colour.
If somebody thinks that I've made a right royal balls-up of some images, I've always encouraged you all to contact me in order that this may be rectified in the future. If you've never done that, then I don't know why you're only mentioning it now; I can't know that you're unhappy about the matter without you speaking about it.
Additionally, with all due respect, what looks to you like a shiny disco ball might look to me like a normal-coloured face.
I get the depth of feeling on the matter and I'll refrain from editing all but the most glaring of images in the future - it'll make my life much easier after all. And since a good number of you seem to regard what I thought was a pretty good job as being an unmitigated disaster, if somebody is willing to replace or assist me, then I'd be more than happy to oblige...
O'Leary's Trainee
First of all, let me just express how grateful I am for what you do. Under no circumstance do I not appreciate the hard work you put in collecting all those images and keeping the Megapack updated on a regular basis. I doubt there are many people around who would be willing and able to put in the hours that you do. So, for you to make some mistakes is certainly nothing I'd be complaining about. Lord knows I make a fair share of mistakes on the cuts I provide, and I'm not doing thousands a month.
However - there truly is something called a correct calibration to a monitor. This will be clearly seen if you have a quality printer and print out the images. Now, I know I don't have a perfect calibration on my monitor, and I'm quite certain those who do are very few among us (generally only professional photographers or people who work in advertisement have perfect monitors). However, there is a theme to what people have been complaining about when it comes to your edits, and that is mainly that it goes too red, or too yellow.
I find that when I look through your fixes that you are often right to brighten images - so you probably have good contrast; I have no qualms there. The only thing is about the colors, really. For example - Baja's image above - I totally agree that it's a little too dark in the original, but the edited version is much too red. Same thing goes for my example. It's been tinted reddish, so that it loses it's color difference. It's almost a sepia reddish tint where skin and hair are almost the same hue (which is why the hair loses it's lustre). It is on the bright side, as you said, but that's source image. I didn't feel I could bright it down and add too much contrast before the image would lose it's natural look.
See if you can get your monitor calibrated, though, because I do believe you have colors a little off.
Again - I do not (and I believe I speak for everyone) undermine the effort and work that you put in to these updates. In fact, I am extremely grateful, for I know I could never do what you do... don't have the time, nor the patience. So do keep up the good work.
I never tweak my own cuts because I honestly can't be bothered with it, but the only important thing is how well the images look in-game. Their look on this forum with the white background actually doesn't matter. And again, in FM a lot of people use a different skin that isn't even standard for FM, which means the faces will look different in any game, also depending on the monitor.
The focus of the Megapack is indeed to deliver good cut-outs that look good in everyone's FM game, but this tweaking and calibrating takes a lot of time and for what it's worth I don't think it's necessary for 80% of the images produced. What's more important is removing snow, straightening,... so the images look fine on both dark and light backgrounds.
Then again, it's only my opinion on this.
Irrespective of the results, I'll try to avoid tweaking the colours of images in future, unless absolutely warranted...
So I can definitely tell you that your colors are off and too red so I'd appreciate if you'd have your monitor calibrated if possible. I know that buying such a device is quite likely not an option and it wouldn't make any sense to be honest, but there's often people who are willing to lend or possibly rent one either for free or against a small fee. You'd be surprised how big of a difference between a calibrated and a non-calibrated monitor there is and how your eyes get used to the incorrect colors thinking they are correct. In any case, your work is greatly appreciated and I for one give my thanks for it!
Mons I just noticed this change was never made. 96018682 should be deleted and the image above added his correct ID is 96048682