FMC FLUT skin for FM 2014 v.2.0 [Updated 30.07.2014]

Skin style FMC for FM 2014 for FM 2014 career mode (1920x1080 and 1600x900).

I'm pleased to present you the new update of the version 2.0 of FMC FLUTSkin for FM 14 (white version) – 1920x1080

Thanks to all for your reported bugs. A special thanks to rune (from german Meistertrainerforum) and leo_crumb.

As always I would appreciate it if you could tell me when and in what circumstances (or panels) the bugs arise.

This FlutSkin version includes lots of changes in 1920x1080 version (not the 1600x900).

Note that although you can find the two versions of the skin, I only updated 1920x1080 version.

Besides lots of minor graphics changes here are the most important tweaks in this update for FlutSkin version 2.0:

- “New” attributes profile panel (status icons included)
- “New” board room panel
- Fixed the club overview panel and inclusion of tabs and new information (board confidence panel)
- “New” match titlebar score (stadium name, picture and conditions included; calendar and weather icon included)
- “New” team report summary panel
- Match inbetween highlights: 5 panels with fixed size

Installation Instructions

Step 1
Download the skin and extract the files (using either 7-Zip for Windows or The Unarchiver for Mac).

Step 2
Open the extracted folder “fmcFlutSkin2014v2.0update30july2014" and Move the two folders inside into your skins folder:

Win Vista/7/8: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\skins
Mac OS X: /Users/<username>/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2014/skins

Create the folder "skins" if it doesn't exist.

Step 3
Start the game and go to Preferences screen and Interface tab.
You should see "FMC 2014 FLUT skin 2.0” and "FMC 2014 FLUT skin 2.0 1600x900” as options in the skin drop down of the Overview box.

Choose the version for the resolution you want.
Hit the Confirm button.

This skin was created by flut.
17 years ago
3 years ago
15 years ago
19 hours ago

Hi scottpratt

Sorry but I have no time to do it. Maybe in the summer....
17 years ago
3 years ago
No problem Flut, thanks for replying
12 years ago
2 weeks ago
Hey, awesome skin. Just one problem I found is that when you have partner clubs, there is no cancel partnership button like there is when using the normal skin.
Unless it is somewhere else and I haven't found it hehehe.
15 years ago
19 hours ago
Hey, awesome skin. Just one problem I found is that when you have partner clubs, there is no cancel partnership button like there is when using the normal skin.
Unless it is somewhere else and I haven't found it hehehe.

Could you please put a screenshot?
16 years ago
1 month ago
What backgroundback should i use to see the small pics? i only see empty seats.
15 years ago
2 weeks ago
Hi flut great skin

One problem I have is I play in windowed mode, my screen resolution is 1280x1024 and I am playing at 75% zoom

Is there a way I can adjust the size of the player profile container on the scout reports news item so I can see all the text?

15 years ago
19 hours ago
Hi flut great skin

One problem I have is I play in windowed mode, my screen resolution is 1280x1024 and I am playing at 75% zoom

Is there a way I can adjust the size of the player profile container on the scout reports news item so I can see all the text?



Thanks ;-)
I don't remember if I edited that panel (maybe I did it but I don't remember), I'm sorry but I don't know what is the xml responsible for it and I can't help you.
11 years ago
10 years ago
Hey Flut,

Is there a way to bring back vanilla / fix the match scoreboard and reduce the match titlebar so I can play on fullscreen (with the scoreboard only) ?

I've tried to remove the match title bar.xml and title bar score.xml.but it does the following :

Also could you tell me how to bring back calendar button in the country profile ?

15 years ago
19 hours ago
Hey Flut,

Is there a way to bring back vanilla / fix the match scoreboard and reduce the match titlebar so I can play on fullscreen (with the scoreboard only) ?

I've tried to remove the match title bar.xml and title bar score.xml.but it does the following :

Also could you tell me how to bring back calendar button in the country profile ?



In fact, I've tried a lot to hide the match titlebar when we choose full window match but unfortunately without succes. So, I'm sorry but I don't know how to do it work.

Concerning the other topic you report..I didn't understand. Could you please put a screenshots: one with that button and the other from Flutskin without the button in order I see whta is te bug?
11 years ago
10 years ago
There :

The first is vanilla's.

As you can see the calendar button is not shown in your skin, you have to go to "team / calendar" instead which take a little too long :/
12 years ago
1 year ago
Please can you anyone tell me if they have used the better than default panels install on Flut skin? As I wanted to know if its just my setup as some panels appear blank on the overview screen
18 years ago
1 month ago
There is an error.. on the right.. FONDAMENTAL PLAYERS NNAINGGOLAN but in real is a ROMA Player (on loan)
It happens with Bologna too.... TAIDER as Fondamental

I don't know if it'sa bug of the game or the skin.......
15 years ago
19 hours ago
There :

The first is vanilla's.

As you can see the calendar button is not shown in your skin, you have to go to "team / calendar" instead which take a little too long :/


Here it is the file that fix that bug. Put it in panels folder of the skin

15 years ago
19 hours ago
There is an error.. on the right.. FONDAMENTAL PLAYERS NNAINGGOLAN but in real is a ROMA Player (on loan)
It happens with Bologna too.... TAIDER as Fondamental

I don't know if it'sa bug of the game or the skin.......

Hi vanh

I think the skin is not responsible for that kind of bugs...
11 years ago
10 years ago
Thank you Flut!

Vanh I wonder if these background skins will work with Flut Skin since the panel proportions are differents.

Edit: woah, just noticed the new version release!
Btw the screenshots were from the older version (1.7).
17 years ago
3 years ago
Nice work as always Flut! Do you have a link to the 1.7 download? I just want to copy a few panels into 1.8 and play it that way

15 years ago
19 hours ago
Nice work as always Flut! Do you have a link to the 1.7 download? I just want to copy a few panels into 1.8 and play it that way


Thanks ;-)
You can download it here

11 years ago
5 years ago
You're skin never works for me
11 years ago
3 years ago
flut existe alguma maneira de tornar essa sua skin compatível com uma resolução 1280x1024?

Bom ela funciona perfeitamente aqui, porem alguns paineis nao aparecem direito(como o placar durante o jogo, por exemplo).

Obrigado =D
15 years ago
19 hours ago
flut existe alguma maneira de tornar essa sua skin compatível com uma resolução 1280x1024?

Bom ela funciona perfeitamente aqui, porem alguns paineis nao aparecem direito(como o placar durante o jogo, por exemplo).

Obrigado =D

Não tenho tempo, pois seria um trabalho muito demorado (muitos xml). Desculpa. Lê, por favor o "read me first", onde dou várias indicações sobre como ajustar. Abraço.

I have no time to do it. It will be a hard work (lots of xml). Sorry. Please read the "read me first" file. I give some instructions to do some adjustments.
18 years ago
1 month ago
On the top over serie A logo... the 1st and the 2nd mini windows are black... then there is ? and FM....
18 years ago
1 month ago
and to see the name of the goalkeeper?
11 years ago
4 years ago
hi flut
i try to resize picture.png and picture2.png, but thats not working.
how i can fix this?
can you help me? my screen resolution is 1366 x 768.
and here:
15 years ago
19 hours ago
hi flut
i try to resize picture.png and picture2.png, but thats not working.
how i can fix this?
can you help me? my screen resolution is 1366 x 768.
and here:


You have to be patient and try several times in order to exactly adjust.
However, if you couldn't do it you can play without the green grass. For that:
1. For player profile:

Go to panels folder of the skin and open "bergkamp person personal information". After that search for

<widget class="picture" file="bergkamp/picture" image_alignment="top, right" transparency="1.0">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="5"/>

and delete it.

After, search for all lines containing colour="white" and delete it (in order to change the colour to black.

2. For club overview
Go to panels folder of the skin and open "club overview panel". After that search for

<container class="plain_box" appearance="boxes/flut/picture2" default_height="-1"> (line 17)

after, search for

<!--<widget class="club_overview_details_panel" file="club overview details8" id="cloh">
<record id="object_property">
<integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
<integer id="set_property" value="objt" />



and delete de last </container>

After, search for all lines containing colour="white" and delete it (in order to change the colour to black.

You can also find "colour="yellow2" and delete it or change "yellow2" for other colour you like.
That's it ;-)

15 years ago
19 hours ago
and to see the name of the goalkeeper?

Go to "tactics overview panel" in panels folder and search for:

<container class="bordered_box" minimum_width="550" default_width="660" priority="1" appearance="boxes/tactics pitch info/paper">
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" layout_children="true" inset="1"/>
<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" layout_children="true" inset="0"/>
<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top,extend" offset="0" gap="5"/>

<container class="vertical_adaptive_container" offset="0" inset="0" gap="0">
<!-- Note that pitch and strategy bar are in a single container so that they are both always visible (see bug #70377) -->
<container priority="1" default_height="-1" minimum_height="620">

Change the values 550, 660, 620 (use try and error method)
15 years ago
19 hours ago
On the top over serie A logo... the 1st and the 2nd mini windows are black... then there is ? and FM....

Sorry but I don't know what happens...
12 years ago
2 weeks ago
Hi Flut, fantastic skin! But I have a quick question I hope you can help me with. With it zoomed out at 75% on 1366x768 resolution it fits just as well as it would do on 100% on 1920x1080 resolution. But on the main Attributes panel it cuts off 'Technique' off the Technical column and 'Work rate' off the mental column (see picture) My question is what exact xml file to i have to open to change the size of this exact panel to make it fit? if you can help it would be much appreciated, thanks.
15 years ago
19 hours ago
Hi Flut, fantastic skin! But I have a quick question I hope you can help me with. With it zoomed out at 75% on 1366x768 resolution it fits just as well as it would do on 100% on 1920x1080 resolution. But on the main Attributes panel it cuts off 'Technique' off the Technical column and 'Work rate' off the mental column (see picture) My question is what exact xml file to i have to open to change the size of this exact panel to make it fit? if you can help it would be much appreciated, thanks.

Thanks ;-)
Concerning your question I explain how to fix the scroll on attributes, in the "read me first" file. However, if after that you still have any doubts please let me know.
12 years ago
2 weeks ago
Thanks ;-)
Concerning your question I explain how to fix the scroll on attributes, in the "read me first" file. However, if after that you still have any doubts please let me know.

Hi flut, Thanks for the help, I got it fixed perfectly after reading the readme properly, thanks! Also sorry for being a pain and it's ok if you cant, but I don't know if you could help me with the last 2 little things that aren't major problems just little annoyances. Could you tell me, (and I apologise if this is already explained in the readme) which panels i need to edit to fix the goalkeepers name from being hidden on the tactics menu (see picture)

and how to make everything fit in the scout update panels? (see other picture)

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