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I've been facing this issue with quite a few custom databases now and I could really use some help. I often play with lower league db's but on FM14 this have been a pain-staking trial. So far I've played with lower leagues added in Sweden, Finland, Norway, Germany, Holland, Scotland and Wales and in all cases but Germany and Wales the db's all have gone corrupt after the first season. The standings of the first season will not refresh and relegations/promotions will not happen. Other leagues, except my edited one, will go on just like normal. I've figured out the probable cause to problems and that is that I in most cases select "my" team before and then go to the editor for some alterations, like for example fixing the correct kit colours, year founded and an up-to-date squad. No major editing in other words. Before I do this I always simulate two or three seasons with the unedited custom-db just to be sure that it's working correctly. No probs so far. I edit what I need to edit, save and do another simulation - fail. Second season won't start. F*ck. I find that I now also have a .bak-file with the same name i my "editor data" folder. Delete it, rerun scenario - fail again. What to do?! Please, I've exhausted my knowledge know and need some guidance from you editor veterans.
I use a 2013 Mac, if that's to some help.
Ps. Sorry for my flawed english, the grammar's probably quite off, but it's not my mother tongue. Ask if I need to clarify something. Ds