Same as with the first update: Extract to desktop, open the folder, highlight the contents (Ctrl and a) and then drag or cut and paste the highlighted images and config file into the stadium superpack folder, hit yes to replace all and you're good to go.
13 years ago
2 years ago
Is it possible to add a picture for a newly-built stadium in-game? i.e. in the year 2017 and I've built a new stadium, so it has gone back to the empty seats once again.

Thanks for your help.
13 years ago
1 year ago
How would I go about changing some of the stadium pics in these megapacks to pics of my own? For example, I want to change the pic used for Anzhi Makhachkala's stadium to a nicer one—how would I do that to get it to work in the game?

If anyone has a tutorial, please share. Any help would be much appreciated.
Deleted Account #151676
By MrMVP91 | Permalink | On 11 June 2013 - 22:05 PM
How would I go about changing some of the stadium pics in these megapacks to pics of my own? For example, I want to change the pic used for Anzhi Makhachkala's stadium to a nicer one—how would I do that to get it to work in the game?

If anyone has a tutorial, please share. Any help would be much appreciated.

It's simply a case of ensuring the picture you want to use is the correct dimensions and then overwriting the old one. just reload the skin after you've done that and it should work.
13 years ago
1 year ago
By Rick87 | Permalink | On 12 June 2013 - 15:03 PM
It's simply a case of ensuring the picture you want to use is the correct dimensions and then overwriting the old one. just reload the skin after you've done that and it should work.

Seems easy enough. However, I've just come across an interesting issue. To use Anzhi as an example again, their unique ID in the game is 130495. However, in this stadium pack, a picture for that ID doesn't exist, yet Anzhi still have a correct stadium assigned to them in my game. How does that happen? This makes it very difficult to change stadium pictures for many teams because this is the case with a lot of the teams.

This is what I'm talking about:

As you can see above, Anzhi's unique ID is 130495 and their stadium picture is shown at the bottom.

However, in my super pack folder (pictured above), a picture with that unique ID doesn't exist. The two closest numbers to that are the ones that I pointed the arrows to. In theory, Anzhi's stadium should be between them, but it's not there, yet still shows up in the game.

This is very confusing.
18 years ago
42 minutes ago
You're almost there.

Stadiums have separate IDs to clubs. To find the UID of the stadium whose image you want to amend, load the editor and find it therein.
13 years ago
1 year ago
Ha, I knew I was doing something wrong. Thanks for the tip.

Another quick question: Will I be able to add pictures of stadiums that aren't included in this pack and get them to work, or does that involve doing something with a .congif file?
18 years ago
42 minutes ago
You can easily open any config.xml file with notepad. The format is quite straight-format and you can easily add a new line for new stadiums.

It's important, however, that for the game to read them, the images must be in .png format and 400x240 in size.
13 years ago
1 year ago
I'm able to open the congif.xml file in notepad like you said, and it does seem pretty easy to add and remove lines, but as someone who has never done this before, I don't know what I'm supposed to add.

For example, I want to add Rubin Kazan's stadium (I don't believe this mega pack has their new stadium as I'm in 2015 already in my save and their stadium isn't showing up, nor can I find it in the mega pack folder). What would I need to add to the config.xml file in order to be able to add a picture for Rubin Kazan's stadium?
18 years ago
42 minutes ago
Create a new image named xxxx.png

Add a new line to the config like this:

<record from="xxxx" to="graphics/pictures/stadium/xxx/stadium"/>

xxxx should be the UID of the stadium you want to add to the game.

That's it.
13 years ago
1 year ago
Seems to be working. Thanks a ton, man, I really appreciate the help.
18 years ago
42 minutes ago
No probs, glad to have helped
13 years ago
1 year ago
I have another question regarding stadium UID, though it doesn't really concern this mega pack (but since you've helped me in this thread, I figure why not ask it here).

In my save, Tottenham have built a new stadium, but when I go to the editor, it doesn't appear there. Can you think of a reason why? The name is 'Tottenham Stadium' and I've tried searching for it but nothing comes up. Is it because the game's AI decided to build a new stadium for Tottenham AFTER I've started my save? That's the only thing I can think of.
18 years ago
42 minutes ago
By MrMVP91 | Permalink | On 13 June 2013 - 22:17 PM
I have another question regarding stadium UID, though it doesn't really concern this mega pack (but since you've helped me in this thread, I figure why not ask it here).

In my save, Tottenham have built a new stadium, but when I go to the editor, it doesn't appear there. Can you think of a reason why? The name is 'Tottenham Stadium' and I've tried searching for it but nothing comes up. Is it because the game's AI decided to build a new stadium for Tottenham AFTER I've started my save? That's the only thing I can think of.

That's it

Short of using a save-game editor, there's no way of finding out the UID of a new stadium, unfortunately...
13 years ago
1 year ago
That sucks. Oh well, thanks anyway.
16 years ago
2 years ago
By MrMVP91 | Permalink | On 13 June 2013 - 21:17 PM
I have another question regarding stadium UID, though it doesn't really concern this mega pack (but since you've helped me in this thread, I figure why not ask it here).

In my save, Tottenham have built a new stadium, but when I go to the editor, it doesn't appear there. Can you think of a reason why? The name is 'Tottenham Stadium' and I've tried searching for it but nothing comes up. Is it because the game's AI decided to build a new stadium for Tottenham AFTER I've started my save? That's the only thing I can think of.

By mons | Permalink | On 14 June 2013 - 11:48 AM
That's it

Short of using a save-game editor, there's no way of finding out the UID of a new stadium, unfortunately...

I noticed that as well, and it's bugging me Tottenham not having a stadium picture! I could of sworn that Tottenham's plan to move to a new stadium was already in the game, not something that a chairman in game decided to do. In which case, the UID should be available shouldn't it?
16 years ago
1 day ago
Nope, I don't think they add new (club) stadiums to the DB until ground is broken now due to all of the stadiums they've added in previously not coming to fruition (Fossetts Farm Stadium, New Anfield etc.).
16 years ago
2 years ago
Ah ok, my bad!
13 years ago
4 years ago
budě někdy udělana česká republika cela
15 years ago
8 years ago
ive noticed barnets small stadium picture is not working is it in the current pack ???

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