Extract folder to documents/Sports interactive/Football Manager 2015/skins.

Use this little skin to change your attributes colors. I personally like it Green-Yellor-Red-Grey.
Adjust the RGB values to whatever suits you and works best for you with the standard fmc skin.
To do that open the GRYG_settings.xml (GRYG being the name i gave the skin) in the settings folder. You will find the following(example):
<colour name="excellent attribute" red="0" green="128" blue="0"/> -> As i said in my case it is green.
<colour name="excellent attribute background" red="0" green="128" blue="0" /> -> above for the numbers it self (scouting screen) and this one for the colored boxes surrounding white numbers.
Use for example this site to find which RGB values to use: http://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/RGB_Color.htm


The folder structure needs to be like this:

documents/Sports interactive/Football Manager 2015/skins/GRYG/settings

Start the game, Clear cache, Select the skin.
Here is the original version updated for 15.2: http://www.mediafire.com/download/4qmb7yqwd5e5unw/GRYG.zip

Here is a version for the dark skin: http://www.mediafire.com/download/3v6n8194uv66kb3/GRYGdark.zip
The dark skin has entries about attribute color match. I will not use this skin, so if someone sees something on match day (as would be nice to have the same colors there etc) or otherwise, let me know.
-> Also be careful editing the fmc dark skin version as there are a lot more entries in the settings xml (Grygdark settings.xml), as that skin is not a standalone fmc dark skin. Meaning the original version has just the fmc skin as a parent and it's enough to just change the attribute colors. Here it borrows or changes on the fm dark skin perhaps. Important about this is, if SI changes something with the skin (maybe because there is an error) it's likely to be still in mine. So, let me know!
10 years ago
7 years ago
You don´t need this. You can do this in the options-meny in FM 2015!
13 years ago
10 months ago
Oh man, it is for FMC, as in classic mode. Where this option doesn't exist.
14 years ago
10 hours ago
Can't get this to work for some reason, skin doesn't show up in list?
13 years ago
10 months ago
It should, as i set the version number in the GRYG.xml to 15.0.0. However if you're running the demo you might want to change it to 15.1.0. Also if the skin of the full fat mode is loaded fmc skins won't show up.
12 years ago
6 months ago
This is good, but is there a dark skin for fm classic? Can't stand white background.
13 years ago
10 months ago
Getting an error right now. To make it work with 15.2: Change the name from GRYG.xml to -> skin_config
Replace the files content with this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Basic Skin Details

The commands in this file are only used to describe the skin.
Settings should be placed in the file "skins/<skin>/settings/<skin> settings.xml",
where <skin> is the name of the skin.

$DateTime: 2010/08/03 15:12:46 $

<!-- skin details -->
<string id="name" value="GRYG" />
<string id="author" value="linie"/>
<string id="description" value="FMC attribute colors - GREY (LOW)- RED - YELLOW - GREEN"/>
<string id="version" value="1.0"/>
<flags id="parent" value="fmc"/>
<boolean id="fmc_skin" value="true"/>

Minimum game version this skin requires to be valid, and listed as an option in the list of skins .

This is used for two things:
- F irst of all you can force a sking to only be availble for a minimum minor release (ie patch), in other words
setting the required_version to 7.0.1 makes sure the skin won't be listed if the game is in version 7.0.0.
- Secondly, the first number ("major version" is used to decide which version the skin was designed for,
so if the version is "7.0.0" it won't be listed in the list of skins if the game version is "6.0.0." or "8.0.0",
even though 7 is less than 8.
<string id="required_version" value="15.0.0" translate="false"/>
<string id="skin_name" value="GRYG" />

18 years ago
8 years ago
Hi, just like to check if you know of a way to change the attributes colours in FMC dark skin? Like how you did it for the default light skin. Thanks.
13 years ago
10 months ago
Updated the original post. Be aware that i can't upload a new file (getting an error) on sortitoutsi. So only the file with the mediafire links are updated.
16 years ago
10 years ago
You don´t need this. You can do this in the options-meny in FM 2015!

14 years ago
8 months ago

Fm skin doesn't have background attributes, so it can't be changed. Just text can be changed

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