How to install
- If you are using any skins.
Copy only '.xml' files in 'Base Files' and 'Resolutions' folder to 'Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins\USING SKINS\panels' folder.
- If you don't have skins.
Copy only '.xml' files in 'Base Files' and 'Resolutions' folder to 'Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\panels' folder.
Resolution compatible with Standard Size 100% No Zoom for Full Screen and Window Mode
1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x768, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1360x768
1366x768, 1360x1024, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200
Update 1 30/10/2014
- Support Windows Mode
Update 2 05/11/2014 02:57am
- New all files in 'Base Files' folder
- New all files for 1360x768, 1366x768, 1280x768, 1024x768 resolution
- Add new style to all resolutions
- Support player picture size 250x310
- Max player picture size 300x310 for higher than 1600x900 resolutions
Update 2 05/11/2014 05:55am
- Fix all 'player overview panel.xml' files in 'New_style' folder, because show recent attributes checkbox not save
- If you are using any skins.
Copy only '.xml' files in 'Base Files' and 'Resolutions' folder to 'Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins\USING SKINS\panels' folder.
- If you don't have skins.
Copy only '.xml' files in 'Base Files' and 'Resolutions' folder to 'Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\panels' folder.
Resolution compatible with Standard Size 100% No Zoom for Full Screen and Window Mode
1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x768, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1360x768
1366x768, 1360x1024, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200
Update 1 30/10/2014
- Support Windows Mode
Update 2 05/11/2014 02:57am
- New all files in 'Base Files' folder
- New all files for 1360x768, 1366x768, 1280x768, 1024x768 resolution
- Add new style to all resolutions
- Support player picture size 250x310
- Max player picture size 300x310 for higher than 1600x900 resolutions
Update 2 05/11/2014 05:55am
- Fix all 'player overview panel.xml' files in 'New_style' folder, because show recent attributes checkbox not save
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how can i make the blue box show the players ppm. Also, how can i make the red box show the players individual training so that i can change their training. Please help and thank you.
Copy .xml don't copy folder.
Where your graphics folder ?
Copy my "player information preferred moves.xml" , "a player overview training.xml" and "a player training information.xml" to your panels folder
Open "player overview panel.xml"
Paste this code in blue box section.
And this code in red box section.
Delete old individual training widget before paste this code.
Following on from this, I asked on the SI forums if anyone could assist as we'd seemed to have run out of options. Michael Murray suggested the following:
Now I'm afraid I haven't the slightest clue what he's talking about nevermind how to do it. Does that make any sense to you and, if so, can you advise how I would do it? Many thanks.
Try this https://db.tt/UIT10eaj
I make this panel to skin.
Change you game skin to MySkin.
Hi artdekdok. I tried that but no luck. The panel was still empty, even on the first profile this time. I think I'll just move on and forget trying to get that one to work. Thanks for all your help, much appreciated.
someone do this for default dark skin? (1920x1080)
originally is helvetica skin, but left profile bar is my collage ( fm 2014 berkgamp skin (deleted a few information etc.) + team logo )
i agree...his work was the best!
However... I'm using a dark skin and any player with dark hair is just about lost, as there is no filter type effect that the other panels have.
You can see what I mean in this example - notice how the filter effect is missing around the player pic? http://sortitoutsi.net/uploads/images/9Q81a3qFsmCezRURVdqCCip9YedC0bl0.jpg
I realize this is by design, but is there any way for me to add something like this? I'm using the 180x height pictures.
Yeah... Please.
Here's what I mean.
Open 'a player picture.xml'
Go to line 7, change <container> to <container class="bordered_box">
hi, can you make this for dark skin ?
I'll give it a try, thanks.
i have a little Problem (a bug?) with the "Highlight key attributes for role". They won't show.
In the Red Box is the Problem, if i use the Attributes in other Fields it works, like the Blue Box.
How can i fix this?
open 'player overview panel.xml'
search ' id="pat1" '
paste ' highlight_attributes="true" ' after ' id="pat1" '
add highlight_attributes="true"
Using windowed 1280x768 I end up with the following, the attributes display on first load then when you leave the screen and go back it ends up like the image attached, any suggestions? Attributes work in other sections but they don't fit all that well.
does this work with the latest update?
Firstly, I wanted to say, wonderful work. So much more info on the main profile screen now and it's helping me a lot.
The only change I'd like to make is to increase the height of the Attributes panel, and the Statistics panel, as illustrated below:
Both the aforementioned panels are pretty squashed, whereas there's plenty of space at the bottom of the middle panels ('Small Report' and 'Preferred Moves' ). So I'm thinking it'd be a better use of the space to give the top and bottom panels a bit more room: largen the red panels, and reduce the size of the blue panel to fit the other two.
Is there any way to do this?
EDIT: All solved, thanks anyway.
Yes create the panels folder located like so... Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\panels
I'm having some issues getting the players pictures to show up.
The pictures work fine otherwise and without the mod but cannot get them to work with the mod.
Any help appreciated
If so, how to make it work?
Tiago Oliveira Romualdo
I am having the same problem here, but in my case this happens when the attribute panel is at right of the pic (on the Player Details' position, as in the pic)
the attribute panel only works when I place it on other position
I use the 1400x900 -> new_style -> PlayerPic_Height_180
Will there be support for higher resolutions in the future?
Yep, it is. All FM downloads are.
And how do I make this work on Mac? Do I need to change the file type? When I put it in the same folder as on windows, I does not do anything...