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Slashman X
The Authority wants Lesnar to drop the belt, because he's unstoppable and off to UFC? Why are they booking Reigns in handicap matches, and constantly stacking the odds against him?
Rusev/Cena is a mess with heel Cena.
They've killed Orton.
Divas + Tag Team builds are nothing.
Sting and Trips keeps changing.
Undertaker/Wyatt currently feels like nothing.
At least the IC ladder match, has time invested into it, even if it is silly.
Axel, Miz and Mizdow are the only guys with any sort of upward momentum imo
Slashman X
Could have Wyatt going up against Triple H instead of Sting who could have faced the Undertaker (I know the match would have been poor but the drawing power is superb, it's a dream match). Wyatt could have faced Triple H for control of the company or something - and unleashed a year long of hell on other wrestlers/winning the belt before losing to Undertaker at Summerslam to hand it back to someone more suited. It would put him in a good slot.
We're still yet to see Ambrose vs Rollins vs Reigns on a big stage, and Cena could FINALLY turn heel against someone like Hogan after his match against Rusev.
Then let Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler wrestle for about 2 hours and no-one would complain.
Tricky where to put Lesnar, though.
Bryan vs Lesnar writes itself. David vs Goliath. The champion verse the man who never lost his title. People say Bryan isn't believable but in kayfabe terms he has beat Triple H, Orton and Batista all in one night. I just don't buy Reigns beating Brock atm either. He is not exactly all that strong (in relative terms) nor is he a a particular good wrestler.
It doesn't even matter if Bryan loses and Brock is leaving. Just have Seth cash in or something.
So instead of having a white hot build they have left themselves with a boring as fuck feud that is going to leave the WM main event winner being booed out the building.
Also Fuck Bryan. Really don't like him for some reason. Just feel absolutely no connection.
Can't deny the man's talent though.
Eugene Lee
John Cena needs to lose to Rusev at Wrestlemania or else everything that was build up to it would seem pointless...they cannot have Cena beat Rusev after such a humiliating buildup to the match for Cena...this is the Mania where Cena finally drops out of the Mani Events & let others take his mantle & place...
Sting vs HHH sucks because of the theme...the whole WCW vs WWE theme just looks so bad because there was never anything there to begin with...IMO WWE should have just gone with Sting wanting to stop HHH as the Authority without the WCW vs WWE factor in there...
Wyatt vs Undertaker has a good buildup though with Wyatt delivering some pretty damn good promos....but I agree that it should be a Casket or Buried Alive match where Taker loses & Wyatt comes out of this match scarier & badder than before...have Wyatt take over Taker's mantle as WWE's resident demon from hell & retire Taker from matches for good...
As much as I'd love to see Cena lose to Rusev at Wrestlemania, I just can't see it happening unfortunately and I fully expect John Cena to leave 'mania with the U.S Title
I'm hoping Lana's back to accompany Rusev to ringside against Cena....Oh Lana.
I agree in an ideal world it wouldn't happen.
But WWE love promoting guys way too early, people like Ziggler/The Miz/Khali have held the world title and they're just not good enough.
The way to save the midcard belts isn't Cena and Bryan imo, it's having Neville/Zayn/Owens/Devitt etc feuding over them like they mean something en route to the top belt.
Daniel Bryan defending the Intercontinental title against all comers shawn micheals style is clearly what they're going for though.
I always thought the intercontinental title was a good title to give to the best worker in the company, though.
That surely has to be Ziggler/Rollins/Bryan
Doubt it, I doubt WWE's creative team (ha!) will give a fuck about the US Title though, even if/when Cena wins at 'mania.
Eugene Lee
Slashman X
Was a freak injury though. He dropkicked his opponent onto the ropes to set up a 619. But apparently the dropkick caused cervical spine trauma and he later died of cardiac arrest.
King Luis
Slashman X
Slashman X
Anyone been watching Lucha Underground? It's really good and "different" in its storytelling
Since I haven't watched much in the last couple years, since when is only two people allowed in the ring at once and why?
Slashman X
Thought for sure he was heading back to the UFC.
Same. I expected him to go back to UFC and prove hes the real deal again after he got destroyed by Velasquez.