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2.2m deal apparently
Good guy, always worked hard despite the criticism he got, I really wanted him to do well and I can easily see why he's gone to another big Premier League club to prove himself.
I don't want him to do too well for Chelsea though.
Based Jorge
Thank Christ
Where has he gone?
He looks set to join Galatasaray.
Based Jorge
The great centre-backs always do.
Because he's young and English? Wasting money on every half-decent young English player has been Spurs MO for years.
Also some links suggesting we may sell Remy to help fund a move for Griezmann, which may include paying his release clause.
He's probably the worst striker I can remember playing for United in recent memory. He was utter piss and it was nothing to do with not being suited to United he was just dire.
You should sign the best players possible for the best possible price. That's rarely an English player.
State the obvious why don't you. I'm pretty sure every team on the planet will be trying to do that. We should still be signing young players as well though. Anyway we have been signing players who, at the time of signing, looked to be the best possible players, but they are all turning out to be crap. Soldado, Lamela, Fazio and Paulinho being examples of that.
Splash The Cash On Matt Le Tiss
Brendan is doing the nationalism challenge.
Number 1
Surprised its taken them this long to reach such a conclusion.
to be fair, Falcao was required to be the complete striker at United, he was never going to be that type of player, he is a predatory poacher and should thrive at Chelsea with constant delivery into the box
How awkward must that be though, one of them was Pearson's son. Basically sacked by your own dad for being in a racist orgy.
Number 1
Indeed. Christmas dinner at the Pearson's is gonna be interesting.
Number 1
Indeed. Christmas dinner at the Pearson's is gonna be interesting.
Based Jorge
That's because LvG is a tactical dinosaur who can't handle good, attacking players. Under a more progressive manager Falcao won't fall over as much.
Probably because he was completely mishandled. It's no surprise that literally every attacking player under LVG struggled for much of the season. Not one striker within the club had a good season, coincidence? Maybe. Then he turned good attacking players like Mata and Di Maria into muppets to boot.
I don't think I've ever seen Falcao play so far away from goal before. There were games where he'd have to collect the ball inside his own half, he'd lay it off and run forward only to be completely ignored; just like the rest of the runs he'd make because the preference was to play the ball wide to the wing backs to run down the sideline with.
Chelsea will suit him better as he'll play a lot closer to goal and will have someone like Fabregas who will play the ball into the channels that are run. I don't expect Falcao to return to the player he was, but he'll do far a lot better within a system that suits his style of play.
He may do well at Chelsea, he has a pre season to get settled into the club and Mourinho may get him back to his best. I'd be surprised though.
If he does do well at Chelsea though I look forward to the #bantz about how United/LvG supposedly ruined him, rather than him just being shit.
That said, he's definitely not shit as Man Utd fans would have you believe - he just didn't fit into the way LvG wanted to play and was a poor signing.
I do agree with that, he wasn't the sort of striker we needed.
Saying all that though I do really like him. His attitude is terrific, he really did try his best and I really wanted him to do well but it just didn't work out.
Based Jorge
Szczesny staying
Ospina being binned to Fenerbahce
Good signing, especially if its for the reported £11 mil or so.