his megapack will activate all top divisions and most lower divisions currently in the existing database. Most leagues that have information will be relatively accurate, however keep in mind that i'm only working with the basic rules. Expect a good time, just no miracles.

Everything should work up to 2030 according to the pre-game editor. No 100% guarantees.

League List

Algeria - 1st to 4th division, cup, super cup
Angola - 1st and 2nd tier, cup, super cup
Säo Tomé & Príncipe - 1st and 2nd division, 2 cups, super cup
Seychelles - 1st and 2nd division, 2 cups, super cup
Sudan - 1st and 2nd division, cup, super cup
Togo - 1st and 2nd division, cup, super cup

Afghanistan - 1st and 2nd division
Guam - 1st and 2nd division, cup
Iraq - 1st and 2nd division, 1st and 2nd Kurdistani divisions, cup, Kurdistani cup
Jordan - 1st to 3rd division, cup, super cup
Northern Mariana - 1st to 3rd division, cup
Philippines - 1st and 2nd division, 1 cup
Qatar - 1st to 3rd division, 3 cups, super cup
United Arab Emirates - 1st to 3rd division, 2 cups, super cup

Albania - 1st to 3rd division, cup, super cup
Andorra - 1st to 3rd division, cup, super cup
Armenia - 1st to 3rd division, cup, super cup
Cyprus - 1st to 4th division, cup, super cup
Estonia - 1st to 4th division, cup, super cup
Faroe Islands - 1st to 4th division, cup, super cup
Gibraltar - National League, Intermediate League, Rock Cup, Pepe Reyes Cup
Kosovo - 1st to 3rd division, cup, super cup
Luxembourg - 1st to 3rd division, cup
Malta - 1st to 4th division, cup, super cup
Montenegro - 1st to 3rd division, cup
North Macedonia - 1st to 3rd division, cup
San Marino - 1st division, cup, super cup

North America:
Aruba - 1st and 2nd division, cup
Anguilla - 1st division, cup
Antigua & Barbuda - 1st to 3rd division
Bahamas - 1st and 2nd division, cup
Bermuda - 1st to 3rd division, 3 cups
British Virgin Islands - 1st and 2nd division, 1 cup
Cayman Islands - 1st and 2nd division, cup
Curaçao - 1st and 2nd division
Dominica - 1st and 2nd division, cup
Grenada - 1st and 2nd division, cup
Montserrat - 1st division
Saint Barthelemy - 1st division, cup
Saint Kitts & Nevis - 1st to 3rd division, cup, super cup
Saint Lucia - 1st and 2nd division, cup
Saint Martin - 1st division, cup
Saint Vincent & The Grenadines - 1st and 2nd division
Saint Pierre & Miquelon - 1st division, cup (selfmade)
Sint Maarten - 1st and 2nd division
Turks & Caicos Islands - 1st division, cup
US Virgin Islands - 1st divisions

American Samoa - 1st to 3rd division, cup
Cook Islands - 1st division, cup
Fiji - 1st and 2nd division, 3 cups, super cup
Kiribati - 1st division
Micronesia - 1st divisions
New Caledonia - 1st and 2nd division, cup
New Zealand - 1st to 5th divisions, 2 cups, super cup
Papua New Guinea - 1st and 2nd divisions
Samoa - 1st and 2nd divisions, cup
Solomon Islands - 1st and 2nd division, cup
Tahiti - 1st to 3rd division, cup, super cup
Tuvalu - 1st and 2nd division, 1 cup
Vanuatu - 2 divisions, 1 cup
Wallis & Futuna - 1st division
Tonga - 1st and 2nd division

South America:
Ecuador - 1st to 3rd division
Venezuela - 1st to 3rd division, cup


Many thanks to Minuy600 from the SI Forums for allowing me to share here.

I will update the file when any changes are made.
Deleted Account #1035582
Hey all, i'm the creator of this Megapack. If you have any questions, don't be shy to ask me
16 years ago
12 hours ago
can you do all leagues
14 years ago
22 hours ago
can you do all leagues

I'm sure there will be many more added over time


File has been updated and any new leagues from original post are shown in red.
14 years ago
22 hours ago
14 years ago
22 hours ago
File updated, Oceania now complete.
James Sarfás
12 years ago
2 years ago
Any plans to add Somalia?
6 years ago
7 months ago
Could you add lower league United States?

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