This page refers to an older game FM15. View Al-Najma Sports Club (BHR) in all games.

Al-Najma Sports Club (BHR) are a team in Football Manager 2015. Najma (BHR) play in the Bahraini First Division in Bahrain in FM 15.

Al-Najma Sports Club (BHR)
Bahraini First Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Below Average
Youth Facilities
Below Average
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Al-Najma Sports Club (BHR) Newgen Rating

Below Average

Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Al-Najma Sports Club (BHR) will be Below Average

Al-Najma Sports Club (BHR) Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Al-Najma Sports Club (BHR) in Football Manager 2015?

This is a guide to managing Al-Najma Sports Club (BHR) in FM15. If you want to play Football Manager 2015 with an updated Al-Najma Sports Club (BHR) squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM15 Update which updates the Football Manager 2015 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2015 Data Update you can download.

Al-Najma Sports Club (BHR) Players in FM15

All Al-Najma Sports Club (BHR) Players in Football Manager 2015
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Salah Abdul-Hameed 31 D C £80 £2k £870 31-12-2014
Hamad Faisal 26 AM RLC £90 £3k £1k 31-12-2014
Hani Al-Taiar 24 ST £100 £3k £1k 31-12-2014
Rashid Jamal 35 ST £80 £260 £110 31-12-2014
Mohammed Sanad 34 M C £60 £210 £90 31-12-2014
Abdulrahman Abdul-Karim 34 GK £60 £320 £130 31-12-2014
Wajih Sghaïer 34 M C £80 £990 £400 31-12-2015
Ali Saeed 30 D R £60 £800 £320 31-12-2014
Mohammed Noor-Aldeen 26 AM RLC £70 £2k £760 31-12-2014
Mohammed Al-Alawi 25 AM C £70 £2k £820 31-12-2014
Mohammed Al-Harban 23 D C £60 £2k £650 31-12-2014
Salah Ebeliouni 35 M C £50 £150 £60 31-12-2014
Jassim Al-Malood 27 D RC £50 £1k £570 31-12-2014
Ahmed Amin 27 D LC £60 £1k £470 31-12-2014
Ali Khalil 24 D L £50 £1k £410 31-12-2014
Hussain Abdul-Karim 26 DM £50 £1k £420 31-12-2014
Hussain Al-Sauadi 31 AM R £50 £330 £120 31-12-2014
Mohammed Al-Muqla 26 ST £50 £810 £300 31-12-2014
Mohammed Ebrahim 19 M C £40 £610 £220 31-12-2014
Rashid Bader Swar 20 ST £50 £640 £700 31-12-2014
Mário Sérgio 28 AM/F C £40 £450 £490 31-12-2014
Hamad Salman 22 M R £20 £270 £260 31-12-2014

Al-Najma Sports Club (BHR) Staff in FM15

Al-Najma Sports Club (BHR) Staff in Football Manager 2015