This page refers to an older game FM16. View Tunisian League 1 in all games.

The Tunisian League 1 is a league in Football Manager 2016. League 1 can be found in Tunisia in FM 16.

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Tunisian League 1
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Manage in Tunisian League 1 in Football Manager 2016

Are you looking to manage a team in Tunisian League 1 in FM16? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Tunisian League 1 and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Avenir Sportif de Kasserine £3 £3 5,000 Below Average Poor Limited 60 62
Avenir Sportif de La Marsa £2m £1m 5,000 Average Adequate Limited 62 67
Club Africain £12m £3m 35,000 Great Good Limited 67 71
Club Athlétique Bizertin £9m £2m 10,000 Good Good Limited 64 70
Club Sportif d'Hammam-Lif £2m £584k 5,000 Below Average Poor Limited 62 65
Club Sportif Sfaxien £8m £2m 16,000 Great Good Limited 64 70
El Gawafel Sportives de Gafsa £922k £307k 6,000 Below Average Poor Limited 62 66
Espérance Sportive de Tunis £15m £6m 30,000 Excellent Great Limited 68 74
Espérance Sportive de Zarzis £922k £307k 5,000 Below Average Basic Limited 59 61
Etoile Olympique de Sidi Bouzid £3 £3 3,500 Basic Poor Limited 10 11
Etoile Sportive de Métlaoui £3 £3 2,000 Poor Poor Limited 16 18
Etoile Sportive du Sahel £15m £6m 20,000 Great Great Limited 65 72
Jeunesse Sportive de Kairouan £922k £307k 4,000 Below Average Poor Limited 60 65
Stade Gabésien £922k £307k 12,000 Adequate Poor Limited 59 63
Stade Tunisien £2m £1m 5,000 Average Adequate Limited 63 68
Union Sportive de Ben Guerdane £3 £3 5,000 Basic Poor Limited 5 5