This page refers to an older game FM16. View American Third Division - Western Conference in all games.

The American Third Division - Western Conference is a league in Football Manager 2016. D3 Western Conference can be found in United States in FM 16.

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American Third Division - Western Conference
United States
Total Teams
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Manage in American Third Division - Western Conference in Football Manager 2016

Are you looking to manage a team in American Third Division - Western Conference in FM16? Why not try finding a random team to manage in American Third Division - Western Conference and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Arizona United SC £15k £2 3,339 Below Average Poor Limited 59 61
Colorado Springs Switchbacks £8k £2 2,660 Below Average Poor Limited 59 61
LA Galaxy II 600 Poor Poor Limited 57 65
Oklahoma City Energy £38k £2 4,465 Good Poor Limited 60 62
Orange County Blues £150k £2 1,131 Adequate Below Average Limited 58 62
Portland Timbers 2 £3m £2 5,000 Poor Poor Limited 59 66
Real Monarchs Salt Lake City £3m £1 1,800 Poor Poor Limited 47 52
Rio Grande Valley Toros £38k £2 4,500 Below Average Poor Limited 36 41
Sacramento Republic FC £75k £2 11,313 Average Poor Limited 58 61
Saint Louis FC £38k £2 4,755 Below Average Poor Limited 59 63
San Antonio FC £150k £2 6,500 Average Poor Limited 6 6
Seattle Sounders FC 2 £3m £1 3,000 Poor Poor Limited 59 65
Swope Park Rangers £38k £2 2,000 Poor Poor Limited 58 64
Tulsa Roughnecks £38k £2 4,615 Below Average Poor Limited 57 61
Vancouver Whitecaps FC 2 £3m £1 1,500 Poor Poor Limited 57 63