This page refers to an older game FM16. View MBi Llandudno in all games.

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MBi Llandudno are a team in Football Manager 2016. Llandudno play in the Dafabet Welsh Premier League in Wales in FM 16. MBi Llandudno are a playable team in FM2016.

MBi Llandudno
Dafabet Welsh Premier League
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

MBi Llandudno Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by MBi Llandudno will be Poor

MBi Llandudno Transfers

Looking for players to buy for MBi Llandudno in Football Manager 2016?

This is a guide to managing MBi Llandudno in FM16. If you want to play Football Manager 2016 with an updated MBi Llandudno squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM16 Update which updates the Football Manager 2016 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2016 Data Update you can download.

MBi Llandudno Players in FM16

All MBi Llandudno Players in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Jamie Reed 27 ST £220 £950 £1k 29-06-2016
Jordan Rico 20 AM/F C £170 £850 £910 29-06-2016
Marc Williams 26 ST £0 £0 £0
Mike Williams 28 D LC £0 £0 £0
Danny Taylor 23 D RL £120 £450 £470 29-06-2016
Michael Johnston 27 D C £150 £420 £440 29-06-2016
Gareth Evans 27 AM C £120 £480 £30 29-06-2016
Richard Hinds 34 D RC, DM £0 £0 £0 30-06-2016
Dave Roberts 26 GK £90 £140 £10 29-06-2015
James Joyce 20 D/M L £40 £380 £370 29-06-2016
Jonny Spittle 20 D C, DM £0 £420 £430 31-05-2016
Jordan Rico 20 AM C £0 £410 £420 29-06-2016
Danny Hughes 26 M C £30 £480 £20 29-06-2016
Lee Thomas 31 ST £0 £0 £0
Lewis Moynes 18 M RL £50 £480 £450 29-06-2016
Tom Dix 23 M C £0 £480 £200 29-06-2016
Danny Shaw 18 AM C £0 £480 £650 29-06-2016
Lewis Buckley 23 ST £0 £500 £210 29-06-2016
Leo Riley 18 AM L, ST £50 £500 £460 29-06-2016
Peter Jones 18 ST £30 £500 £660 29-06-2016
Connor Tierney 27 D L £10 £380 £120 29-06-2016
Bryan Roberts 19 M R £0 £200 £220 29-06-2015
Tim Burrow 19 GK £0 £140 £150 29-06-2015
Greg Hall 17 ST £0 £500 £690 29-06-2017

MBi Llandudno Staff in FM16

MBi Llandudno Staff in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Daniel Margetson 58 Chairman
Alan Morgan 41 Manager (First Team) £600 30-06-2016
Richard Hinds 34 Player/Assistant Manager (First Team) £0 30-06-2016
Dave Roberts 26 Player £90 29-06-2015
Sean Eardley 26 Assistant Manager (First Team) £300
Dave Guinn 33 GK Coach (First Team)