This page refers to an older game FM16. View Pianese in all games.

Pianese are a team in Football Manager 2016. Pianese play in the Italian Serie D Grp. E in Italy in FM 16.

Italian Serie D Grp. E
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Fairly Basic
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Pianese Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Pianese will be Poor

Pianese Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Pianese in Football Manager 2016?

This is a guide to managing Pianese in FM16. If you want to play Football Manager 2016 with an updated Pianese squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM16 Update which updates the Football Manager 2016 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2016 Data Update you can download.

Pianese Players in FM16

All Pianese Players in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Lorenzo Coccolo 20 AM RC £540 £95k £38k 29-06-2016
Daniele Ancione 31 AM C £430 £19k £7k 29-06-2016
Jacopo Zagaglioni 29 AM RC £400 £36k £14k 29-06-2016
Francesco Gagliardi 26 D/WB/M L £300 £38k £14k 29-06-2016
Andrea Mazzuoli 22 D LC £300 £36k £14k 29-06-2016
Damiano Rinaldini 19 AM C £350 £48k £18k 29-06-2016
Federico Del Colle 24 M C £350 £44k £16k 29-06-2016
Luigi Pinna 28 D C £280 £35k £13k 29-06-2016
Elia Benedettini 19 GK £280 £30k £11k 29-06-2016
Giacomo Mammetti 26 ST £380 £44k £16k 29-06-2016
Luciano Rabbeni 25 ST £360 £44k £16k 29-06-2016
Andrea Saitta 22 D RC £280 £31k £12k 29-06-2016
Francesco Golfo 20 D/WB L, AM LC £340 £40k £45k 29-06-2016
Tony Vasseur 24 AM L £340 £40k £15k 29-06-2016
Davide Bianchi 21 D LC £270 £34k £38k 29-06-2016
Davide Magrini 18 M C £310 £38k £14k 29-06-2016
Stefano Greco 19 M C £320 £38k £14k 29-06-2016
Mattia De Pasquale 18 DM £30 £38k £43k 29-06-2016
Gabriele Caccamo 19 D/WB/M R £240 £27k £30k 29-06-2016
Shalva Sanashvili 18 D L £210 £20k £22k 29-06-2016
Domenico Palombi 18 GK £240 £19k £20k 29-06-2016
Fabio Laudani 17 D C £30 £22k £23k 29-06-2017
Alberto Ciurli 18 GK £220 £17k £18k 29-06-2016
Alessandro De Luca 18 ST £260 £24k £26k 29-06-2016
Alessio Andreoni 17 AM L £200 £15k £15k 29-06-2016
Daniel Kthella 16 AM L, ST £30 £14k £26k 29-06-2018
Alessandro Maresi 16 M C £30 £13k £25k 29-06-2018
Luca Onofri 17 AM R £170 £11k £21k 29-06-2016
Andrea Terrosi 17 ST £30 £5k £8k 29-06-2017
Nicola Ciabatti 17 D R £260 £3k £5k 29-06-2016
Mattia Piccini 16 D C £30 £4k £7k 29-06-2018
Filippo Goracci 17 D/WB L £30 £3k £4k 29-06-2017
El Mehdi Dabaj 18 AM R £30 £3k £4k 29-06-2016
Alessandro D'Addario 17 D/WB R £30 £2k £2k 29-06-2017
Emanuele Bindi 18 M C £100 £3k £5k 29-06-2016

Pianese Staff in FM16

Pianese Staff in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Job Wage Expires Rating
Rosolino Puccica 53 Manager (First Team)
Renato Vagaggini 56 Director of Football
Maurizio Sani 71 Chairman
Franco Meacci 60 GK Coach (First Team)
Domenico Lucherini 59 Head Physio £229
Enzo Rappoli 69 Director
Lucio Pezzini 49 Physio (First Team)
Daniele Cheli 68 Director
Leonardo Spositi 23 Assistant Manager (First Team)
Mario Buoni 53 Manager (U20 Team)

Pianese Peaked Players in FM16

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2016
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Daniele Ancione 31 AM C £430 £19k £7k 29-06-2016
Luigi Pinna 28 D C £280 £35k £13k 29-06-2016
Francesco Gagliardi 26 D/WB/M L £300 £38k £14k 29-06-2016