This page refers to an older game FM17. View Serie A in all games.

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The Serie A is a league in Football Manager 2017. Serie A can be found in Italy in FM 17. The Serie A is playable in FM2017.

This page describes Serie A in FM17 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM17 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM17 Database Update instead.

Serie A
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Manage in Serie A in Football Manager 2017

Are you looking to manage a team in Serie A in FM17? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Serie A and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
A.C. Milan £13m £7m 37,861 Superb Great Limited 76 80
ACF Fiorentina £20m £13m £1 28,734 Great Good Limited 76 79
AS Roma £29m £12m 35,182 Superb Excellent Limited 79 82
Atalanta £8m £5m 15,945 Excellent Excellent Limited 73 76
Bologna F.C. 1909 £12m £5m 18,899 Excellent Good Limited 72 76
Cagliari £5m £2m 12,475 Great Good Limited 72 75
ChievoVerona £8m £3m 11,247 Great Good Limited 74 75
Crotone £3m £2m 7,061 Good Below Average Limited 69 73
Delfino Pescara £5m £2m 13,578 Good Good Limited 71 74
Empoli £7m £2m 9,510 Average Good Limited 72 75
F.C. Internazionale £41m £23m 45,538 Superb Excellent Limited 78 81
Genoa CFC £10m £5m 21,359 Excellent Good Limited 74 77
Juventus £46m £28m 38,662 Superb Excellent Limited 83 84
Napoli £44m £19m 38,760 Excellent Good Limited 78 81
S.S. Lazio £13m £9m 21,025 Superb Great Limited 77 80
Sampdoria £10m £6m 21,974 Superb Good Limited 74 78
Torino £9m £5m 19,392 Great Good Limited 74 77
U.S. Città di Palermo £9m £3m 18,013 Good Good Limited 71 75
U.S. Sassuolo £17m £10m 11,437 Adequate Average Limited 74 78
Udinese £12m £5m 16,209 Great Good Limited 73 76