This page refers to an older game FM17. View Vanarama National League South in all games.

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The Vanarama National League South is a league in Football Manager 2017. Vanarama South can be found in England in FM 17. The Vanarama National League South is playable in FM2017.

This page describes Vanarama National League South in FM17 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM17 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM17 Database Update instead.

Vanarama National League South
Total Teams
Avg Balance
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Avg Youth Rating
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Avg Rating
Avg Potential
Manage in Vanarama National League South in Football Manager 2017

Are you looking to manage a team in Vanarama National League South in FM17? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Vanarama National League South and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Bath City £-2k £1k £400 685 Basic Poor Limited 49 52
Bishop's Stortford £15k £1k £250 384 Below Average Basic Limited 49 54
Chelmsford City £10k £250 625 Below Average Poor Limited 52 56
Concord Rangers £10k £1 £500 300 Poor Poor Limited 49 55
Dartford £50k £9k £700 995 Adequate Basic Limited 49 53
East Thurrock United £5k £1 £400 307 Poor Poor Limited 47 51
Eastbourne Borough £39k £1k £500 524 Basic Poor Limited 50 55
Ebbsfleet United £400k £80k £5k 1,159 Good Below Average Limited 55 60
Gosport Borough £-55k 511 Poor Poor Limited 48 53
Hampton & Richmond Borough £55k £1 £750 635 Below Average Poor Limited 48 52
Hemel Hempstead Town £18k £2k £500 457 Basic Poor Limited 50 55
Hungerford Town £5k £1k £500 289 Poor Poor Limited 48 52
Maidenhead United £55k £1k £1k 405 Poor Basic Limited 52 56
Margate £-75k £1 £-750 468 Below Average Poor Limited 48 53
Oxford City £-10k £100 291 Below Average Basic Limited 48 52
Poole Town £80k £1 532 Poor Poor Limited 47 52
St. Albans City £5k £1 £500 759 Poor Basic Limited 52 55
Truro City £-8k £1 £250 372 Basic Poor Limited 51 55
Wealdstone £30k £1 £700 763 Basic Basic Limited 52 56
Welling United £-100k £1 £1 682 Basic Poor Limited 51 55
Weston-super-Mare £10k £1 £500 396 Poor Poor Limited 47 52
Whitehawk £100k £10k £2k 292 Basic Poor Limited 54 58