This page refers to an older game FM14. View Skrill South in all games.

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The Skrill South is a league in Football Manager 2014. Skrill South can be found in England in FM 14. The Skrill South is playable in FM2014.

This page describes Skrill South in FM14 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM14 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM14 Database Update instead.

Skrill South
Total Teams
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Manage in Skrill South in Football Manager 2014

Are you looking to manage a team in Skrill South in FM14? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Skrill South and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Basingstoke Town £150k £1 £400 381 Poor Poor Limited 46 49
Bath City £1 £1k £400 555 Basic Poor Limited 48 50
Bishop's Stortford £18k £250 336 Below Average Basic Limited 47 50
Boreham Wood £150k £1k £700 233 Average Basic Limited 48 51
Bromley £10k £1 £250 509 Poor Poor Limited 48 52
Chelmsford City £200k £3k £600 755 Below Average Poor Limited 47 50
Concord Rangers £5k £1 £500 190 Poor Poor Limited 45 49
Dorchester Town £1k £1 £1 432 Adequate Basic Limited 43 46
Dover Athletic £100k £5k £1k 725 Basic Poor Limited 48 51
Eastbourne Borough £20k £5k £250 476 Basic Poor Limited 47 51
Eastleigh £450k £50k £5k 483 Below Average Poor Limited 50 53
Ebbsfleet United £150k £75k £1k 900 Below Average Below Average Limited 50 54
Farnborough £-10k 462 Poor Basic Limited 45 49
Gosport Borough £5k £1 £250 350 Poor Poor Limited 44 47
Havant & Waterlooville £50k £3k £600 574 Poor Poor Limited 48 52
Hayes & Yeading United £20k £1 £400 170 Poor Poor Limited 46 51
Maidenhead United £5k £1 £1 295 Poor Basic Limited 45 48
Staines Town £200k £1 £400 296 Below Average Basic Limited 47 51
Sutton United £150k £5k £1k 508 Below Average Poor Limited 50 52
Tonbridge Angels £10k £1 £400 504 Poor Poor Limited 45 49
Weston-super-Mare £20k £1 £500 296 Poor Poor Limited 45 48
Whitehawk £300k £1 £2k 160 Basic Poor Limited 47 50