This page refers to an older game FM17. View Grêmio Osasco Audax EC in all games.

Grêmio Osasco Audax EC are a team in Football Manager 2017. Audax (SP) play in the Brazilian National Fourth Division in Brazil in FM 17.

Grêmio Osasco Audax EC
Brazilian National Fourth Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Grêmio Osasco Audax EC Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Grêmio Osasco Audax EC will be Average

Grêmio Osasco Audax EC Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Grêmio Osasco Audax EC in Football Manager 2017?

This is a guide to managing Grêmio Osasco Audax EC in FM17. If you want to play Football Manager 2017 with an updated Grêmio Osasco Audax EC squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM17 Update which updates the Football Manager 2017 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2017 Data Update you can download.

Grêmio Osasco Audax EC Players in FM17

All Grêmio Osasco Audax EC Players in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Ytalo 28 ST £23k £807k £645k 10-05-2017
Hugo Cabral 27 AM/F C £3k £308k £154k 10-04-2017
Marco Damasceno 20 AM/F C £2k £104k £50k 30-11-2017
Rafinha 24 AM LC, F C £2k £273k £311k 30-11-2017
Pedro Carmona 28 D/WB L, AM LC £4k £145k £69k 29-04-2017
Marquinho 27 AM C £2k £144k £60k 31-05-2017
Rafinha 29 AM L, ST £3k £100k £47k 31-03-2017
Felipe Alves 28 GK £1k £122k £57k 30-05-2018
Gustavo Marmentini 22 AM C £1k £102k £129k 07-05-2017
Léo Artur 21 AM LC, F C £710 £131k £204k 08-05-2017
Magal 35 DM £1k £9k £4k 30-03-2017
Velicka 30 D L, DM £2k £26k £12k 29-04-2017
Felipe Rodrigues 20 D/WB R, DM £360 £43k £20k 02-04-2017
Betinho 28 DM £1k £37k £17k 30-04-2017
Matheus Vargas 20 AM RLC £1k £102k £144k 16-09-2017
Matheuzinho 23 AM LC £1k £104k £47k 30-11-2017
André Castro 24 DM £1k £54k £24k 31-12-2017
Gabriel Leite 21 AM C £1k £70k £128k 07-05-2017
Francis 34 D C, DM £990 £5k £340 29-04-2017
Danielzinho 21 AM C £900 £64k £29k 30-04-2017
Diego Lorensi 26 DM £2k £60k £4k 30-11-2017
Marcus Vinícius 26 ST £1k £56k £25k 30-04-2017
Léo Bahia 21 D/WB L £890 £24k £32k 31-12-2018
Denílson 27 AM/F C £1k £17k £1k 30-05-2017
Gabriel Miotti 22 GK £80 £10k £4k 09-06-2017
Douglas 20 AM C £380 £16k £19k 16-09-2018
Bruno Guimarães 18 AM C £300 £17k £13k 31-01-2018
Adriel 19 D C £270 £8k £10k 01-05-2017
Lucas Santos 19 D C £230 £10k £620 30-05-2018
Gustavo Silva 19 D/WB R £240 £6k £4k 29-04-2017
Jeffinho 18 AM C £180 £10k £10k 29-06-2018
Guilherme 18 D/WB R £190 £3k £3k 25-01-2017
Kevin 16 D/WB L £60 £7k £8k 31-03-2019

Grêmio Osasco Audax EC Loaned Out Players in FM17

Players out on loan from Grêmio Osasco Audax EC in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Denílson 27 AM/F C £1k £17k £1k 30-05-2017
Éwerton Páscoa 27 D C, DM £2k £563k £279k 30-11-2017
Paulo Roberto 29 DM £4k £515k £257k 31-12-2017
Sidão 33 GK £10k £476k £618k 31-12-2018
Velicka 30 D L, DM £2k £26k £12k 29-04-2017
André Castro 24 DM £1k £54k £24k 31-12-2017
Bruno Lima 21 D C £440 £18k £22k 30-05-2017
Eduardo Grasson 22 D RC £520 £14k £930 30-05-2017
Gelson 20 D/WB L £460 £20k £25k 30-04-2017
Igor 19 D C, DM £210 £12k £15k 30-05-2017
Jorge Eduardo 21 ST £700 £23k £29k 30-05-2017
Kallyl 21 ST £430 £12k £9k 30-05-2017
Chaveirinho 19 AM C £250 £10k £10k 30-05-2017
Matheus Vargas 20 AM RLC £1k £102k £144k 16-09-2017
Maurício 22 D C, DM £500 £12k £780 02-05-2017
Thiago Seiji 20 AM/F C £380 £17k £20k 30-05-2017
Wellington 22 ST £1k £46k £3k 30-05-2017
Yuri 21 DM £7k £2m £1m 31-12-2017

Grêmio Osasco Audax EC Staff in FM17

Grêmio Osasco Audax EC Staff in Football Manager 2017

Grêmio Osasco Audax EC Peaked Players in FM17

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Betinho 28 DM £1k £37k £17k 30-04-2017