This page refers to an older game FM17. View Islanders Soccer Club in all games.

Islanders Soccer Club are a team in Football Manager 2017. Islanders play in the Guamese Second Division in Guam in FM 17.

Islanders Soccer Club
Guamese Second Division
Average Age
Transfer Budget
Wage Budget
Training Facilities
Youth Facilities
Youth Academy
Youth Recruitment
Stadium Capacity
Average Attendance

Islanders Soccer Club Newgen Rating


Newgens are the new players that the game generates and join the club on Youth Intake Day. The Newgens produced by Islanders Soccer Club will be Poor

Islanders Soccer Club Transfers

Looking for players to buy for Islanders Soccer Club in Football Manager 2017?

This is a guide to managing Islanders Soccer Club in FM17. If you want to play Football Manager 2017 with an updated Islanders Soccer Club squad featuring all the latest real world transfers then you should download the sortitoutsi FM17 Update which updates the Football Manager 2017 database with all the latest transfers, updated squads and promotions and relegations. It's the best Football Manager 2017 Data Update you can download.

Islanders Soccer Club Players in FM17

All Islanders Soccer Club Players in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Leon Bamba 18 ST £0 £0 £0
Derek Okuhama 16 M C £0 £480 £400 31-12-2018
Taro Miyamoto 19 AM L £0 £0 £0
Jordan Jasmin 17 D C £0 £0 £0
Kyle Perez 18 M C £0 £0 £0
Kautong Omengkar 20 ST £0 £0 £0
Nathan Loya 29 DM £0 £0 £0
Alschea Grape 17 D L £0 £0 £0
Cameron Miles 17 M C £0 £0 £0
Hurao Iriarte 19 GK £0 £0 £0
Tevin Pangelinan 17 D C £0 £0 £0
Wes Shiroma 20 AM RC £0 £0 £0
Jacy Bravo 22 AM/F C £0 £0 £0
Jarred Collado 22 AM R £0 £0 £0
Aaron Blaz 21 D RC £0 £0 £0
David Okuhama 18 AM L £0 £0 £0
Robbie Prieto 22 AM/F C £0 £0 £0
Ernest Aquino 26 D C £0 £0 £0
Kai Artero 30 GK £0 £0 £0
Michael Artero 27 D RC £0 £0 £0
Ryan Artero 26 D C, DM £0 £0 £0
Mark Avery-Sasai 28 D C £0 £0 £0
Caleb Barretto 29 ST £0 £0 £0
Jose Cruz 27 DM £0 £0 £0
Ryan De Guzman 29 D L £0 £0 £0
Kevin Ferrer 29 ST £0 £0 £0
Joseph Guerrero 29 ST £0 £0 £0
Kevin Hashimoto 26 D/WB/AM L £0 £0 £0
Timothy Hernandez 26 D C, ST £0 £0 £0
Kenzô Kawaseki 35 DM £0 £0 £0
Christian Mailloux 28 ST £0 £0 £0
Justin Nellis 34 D C £0 £0 £0
Edward Poppe 29 WB L £0 £0 £0
Ryan Rupley 27 M RC £0 £0 £0
Matthew Sasai 27 D L £0 £0 £0
Sol Jung 28 DM £0 £0 £0
Ryan Toves 30 AM RC £0 £0 £0
Arjay Valencia 27 M C £0 £0 £0
Zakery Olmstead 26 AM R £0 £0 £0
Anthony Tainatongo 24 M C £0 £0 £0

Islanders Soccer Club Peaked Players in FM17

The following players have peaked and will not develop any further in Football Manager 2017
Name Age Position Wage Value Cost Expires Rating Potential
Ernest Aquino 26 D C £0 £0 £0
Kai Artero 30 GK £0 £0 £0
Michael Artero 27 D RC £0 £0 £0
Ryan Artero 26 D C, DM £0 £0 £0
Mark Avery-Sasai 28 D C £0 £0 £0
Caleb Barretto 29 ST £0 £0 £0
Jacy Bravo 22 AM/F C £0 £0 £0
Jose Cruz 27 DM £0 £0 £0
Ryan De Guzman 29 D L £0 £0 £0
Kevin Ferrer 29 ST £0 £0 £0
Joseph Guerrero 29 ST £0 £0 £0
Kevin Hashimoto 26 D/WB/AM L £0 £0 £0
Timothy Hernandez 26 D C, ST £0 £0 £0
Kenzô Kawaseki 35 DM £0 £0 £0
Christian Mailloux 28 ST £0 £0 £0
Justin Nellis 34 D C £0 £0 £0
Edward Poppe 29 WB L £0 £0 £0
Ryan Rupley 27 M RC £0 £0 £0
Matthew Sasai 27 D L £0 £0 £0
Sol Jung 28 DM £0 £0 £0
Ryan Toves 30 AM RC £0 £0 £0
Arjay Valencia 27 M C £0 £0 £0
David Okuhama 18 AM L £0 £0 £0
Zakery Olmstead 26 AM R £0 £0 £0
Tevin Pangelinan 17 D C £0 £0 £0
Anthony Tainatongo 24 M C £0 £0 £0