This page refers to an older game FM19. View Sky Bet Championship in all games.

Fulham v Luton Town - Sky Bet Championship - Craven Cottage (1).jpg Thumbnail

The Sky Bet Championship is a league in Football Manager 2019. Sky Bet Championship can be found in England in FM 19. The Sky Bet Championship is playable in FM2019.

This page describes Sky Bet Championship in FM19 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM19 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM19 Database Update instead.

Sky Bet Championship
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Avg Rating
Avg Potential
Manage in Sky Bet Championship in Football Manager 2019

Are you looking to manage a team in Sky Bet Championship in FM19? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Sky Bet Championship and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Aston Villa £22m £1 £1 22 32,000 Superb Great Limited 72 76
Birmingham City £1 £1 £-15k 20.69 21,042 Great Great Limited 71 73
Blackburn Rovers £10m £5m £6k 21.38 14,332 Excellent Great Limited 70 75
Bolton Wanderers £1 £1 £1 21.88 14,584 Great Good Limited 70 73
Brentford £8m £3m £15k 21.38 10,234 Average Poor Limited 71 75
Bristol City £13m £5m £16k 21.57 20,953 Good Good Limited 70 74
Derby County £8m £2m £5k 21.81 27,175 Superb Great Limited 72 75
Hull City £4m £1m £10k 21.09 12,447 Great Adequate Limited 70 74
Ipswich Town £250k £250k £5k 20.48 16,271 Great Good Limited 69 73
Leeds United £16m £3m £15k 20.06 31,521 Superb Great Limited 73 76
Middlesbrough £26m £4m £20k 21.08 25,544 Superb Excellent Limited 73 76
Millwall £8m £3m £5k 21.66 13,368 Good Average Limited 71 73
Norwich City £16m £1m £6k 20.82 25,785 Great Good Limited 72 76
Nottingham Forest £12m £4m £4k 22.47 24,680 Good Good Limited 73 76
Preston North End £3m £500k £3k 20.67 13,774 Average Adequate Limited 70 74
Queens Park Rangers £17m £1 £-15k 20.46 13,928 Good Adequate Limited 71 75
Reading £8m £2m £5k 21.23 16,656 Great Good Limited 70 73
Rotherham United £500k £100k £3k 22.45 8,514 Average Below Average Limited 68 72
Sheffield United £11m £5m £7k 21.2 26,854 Excellent Good Limited 72 75
Sheffield Wednesday £2m £1 £1 22.21 25,995 Average Adequate Limited 72 75
Stoke City £20m £10m £45k 22.46 27,534 Excellent Good Limited 74 78
Swansea City £3m £1 £5k 20.35 20,711 Great Average Limited 72 75
West Bromwich Albion £40m £5m £10k 20.7 24,631 Great Great Limited 73 76
Wigan Athletic £7m £2m £10k 21.09 11,333 Great Average Limited 71 74