This page refers to an older game FM19. View Chinese Super League in all games.

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The Chinese Super League is a league in Football Manager 2019. Super League can be found in China PR in FM 19. The Chinese Super League is playable in FM2019.

This page describes Chinese Super League in FM19 if you are looking for a Data Update that updates the FM19 Database with updated squads, latest transfers and promotions and relegations then download the FM19 Database Update instead.

Chinese Super League
China PR
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Manage in Chinese Super League in Football Manager 2019

Are you looking to manage a team in Chinese Super League in FM19? Why not try finding a random team to manage in Chinese Super League and then share your career in our Careers Section.

Name Balance Budget Wage Avg Age Avg Att Training Newgens Yth Recruitment Rating Potential
Beijing Guo'an £2b £2b 21.19 38,140 Good Average Limited 64 68
Beijing Renhe £711m £267m £9m 24.36 12,000 Below Average Basic Limited 61 64
Changchun Yatai £622m £89m 23.91 15,202 Average Adequate Limited 60 63
Chongqing Dangdai £711m £178m 24.2 36,178 Below Average Poor Limited 60 63
Dalian Yifang £2b £889m 22.59 10,806 Average Adequate Limited 59 64
Guangzhou Fuli £2b £178m 23.18 9,831 Below Average Basic Limited 64 67
Guangzhou Hengda £2b £711m £18m 23.26 44,883 Good Adequate Limited 68 71
Guizhou Hengfeng £445m £178m 24.69 23,000 Basic Poor Limited 59 63
Hebei Huaxia Xingfu £2b £889m £18m 21.53 18,054 Average Adequate Limited 65 68
Henan Jianye £711m £311m 23.13 17,282 Below Average Below Average Limited 61 66
Jiangsu Suning £2b £1b 23.61 38,992 Below Average Basic Limited 65 69
Shandong Luneng £2b £889m £9m 23.53 31,685 Great Good Limited 65 70
Shanghai Shanggang £2b £2b 21.76 28,012 Average Adequate Limited 63 68
Shanghai Shenhua £2b £53m 23.61 22,690 Good Below Average Limited 63 68
Tianjin TEDA £445m £178m 24.18 12,525 Adequate Adequate Limited 62 66
Tianjin Tianhai £889m £356m £13m 12,165 Below Average Basic Limited 0 0